Can Buccal Fat Removal Accentuate Your Facial Features?
When it comes to opting for facial plastic surgery, the most common procedures you might think about are facelift and...
When it comes to opting for facial plastic surgery, the most common procedures you might think about are facelift and blepharoplasty. Recently, a new name has enthralled attention in the beauty industry for all the right reasons. Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking about buccal fat removal.
Many celebrities already talk about this treatment openly in public owing to the positive results they have experienced. The demand for surgical facial surgery is increasing steadily among youngsters. This is because of the increasing lifestyle & enhanced knowledge among the people.
Why opt for buccal fat removal surgery?
People mostly undergo this procedure to hide their signs of aging, as the procedure aims at giving slimmer chiseled face cuts of more youthful age. With increasing age and weight, often, the face loses sharp features and appears different.
Whether a male or a female, anyone can try the buccal fat removal process and reverse the signs of aging. Here are some more reasons behind the people opting for buccal fat pad removal surgery.
- You might want to get rid of the chubby cheeks
- You have undergone mandibular or jaw surgery in the past to reduce the size of your chin or jaw
- You aim at getting high cheekbones along with sunken cheeks
In any of these instances, opting for the buccal fat removal surgery would be the right option.
What should you know about buccal fat removal?
Many people complain about their lower face area, double chins and turkey wattle. If you also have a huge amount of fat deposited around the lower face, this is the most concerning time! You might even have come across certain adverse comments regarding your facial appearance, like you have a baby round face or chipmunk face. Do these comments stress you out? If yes, buccal fat removal procedure is the right treatment for you to opt at the earnest.
The plump lower cheek area mostly results due to genetic issues, not because of the weight. If you want a slimmer & smoother profile, your plastic surgeon might suggest going with this procedure. It gives you the youthful experience that you had been longing for! With this, you can turn the lower part of your face wider and slimmer. It is perhaps the ideal way to reduce the rounded cheeks.
What happens during the Fat Buccal surgery?
Buccal fat surgery is the fastest & less invasive cosmetic procedure to get away with the excess fat on your face. The procedure is quick and hassle-free. It talks around less than an hour to accomplish the procedure and the surgeons usually perform it after administering local anesthesia. The surgeons also warn the patients about the probable risks accompanying the surgery. Hence, to get the best results with minimum complications, undergoing the treatment by an experienced and board certified professional ought to be your preferred move.
- In this procedure, the plastic surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth on both sides.
- The surgeon will gently press on the fat pads for further exposure.
- Next, he will cut the area and remove the fat pads.
- The process includes enmeshing ducts & nerves; that’s why the surgeon needs to be very cautious.
- After closing the incisions, the surgeon will let you know whether you need to come back or not!
This is just a basic description of the surgery. For detailed info, it is better to consult your surgeon. He will guide you betabout the entire procedure and will make you aware of the involved complications and benefits as well.
Is buccal fat removal beneficial for you?
If you don’t love fuller faces and want to reduce the volume of your cheeks, this is an ideal solution. This fat-removal plastic surgery process will prove beneficial in accentuating the appearance of your face. It will be good if you are healthy and have a stable weight.
You are not an ideal candidate if you have a narrow face and have attained a certain age, as the effect of buccal fat removal automatically will decrease with age.
To be qualified for this procedure, you should have good physical health. In addition, you must quit smoking at least 2- 3 weeks prior to the surgery if you want the results to be as per your realistic expectations.
What would happen after this facelift procedure?
Once you undergo this procedure, the plastic surgeon will share certain points to remember and follow. In the initial 3-4 days after the surgery, the surgeon will recommend you to be on a semi-liquid diet and use antibiotic mouthwash to keep your mouth clean from inside. Notably, the tissues inside the mouth can heal comparably much faster as compared to the outer skin. Hence, the recovery signs will be quick, even as soon as within 7 days. Gradually, you can add soft foods and reach your daily diet routine. It might however take at least 3 weeks to recover perfectly.
The side effects
Some basic side effects you can expect after surgery are swelling, bruising, and numbness in the operated zone. But these things can gradually fade with the healing.
However, if you think it could leave you with immense pain, don’t fret. Since the procedure involves elimination of a soft tissue, it will accompany only a mild discomfort, which will vanish after a few days. Just to take additional precautions, the surgeon will give you certain medicines to take for home in case the pain bothers you later on.
Follow the instructions of your surgeon
You should follow all the procedures or instructions as per the plastic surgeon for prompt and hassle free healing. A skilled and up-to-date surgeon can make you realize how it would be beneficial for you. Hence, it is important to undergo your surgery only from an expert plastic surgeon.
How can you enhance the facelift results with buccal fat removal?
If your surgeon allows it, you can ask him to pair the buccal fat removal procedure with your facelift surgery. It helps reduce excess fatty deposits in the lower cheek section. The reduction of buccal fat will result in the tightening of the underlying tissues, leading to a youthful appearance and contour. The elimination of excessive fat cells around the chin and jaw can prove helpful to attain the desired results.
Here we share the topmost prominent benefits of buccal fat removal surgery for you to be aware of:
- A long-lasting & prolonged solution that gives painless and secure results
- Get a toned face appearance without any visible scars
- Define the cheeks & jawline to get the perfect balanced facial harmony
- The ideal solution for exercise-resistant face fat.
- Reduce the excessive fullness in your cheek
- Get a slim trim face & create a more defined facial contour.
- Get the more accentuated, slimmer, and glowing cheeks
- Get the naturally contoured face within hours
- Improve your facial features and helps you to get noticed even in the crowd
Looking for the best surgeon?
To undergo buccal fat removal surgery for the best facelift results, it would be best to consult a board certified plastic surgeon today. Get a scar less recovery process with the right cosmetic surgery. Feel free to let us know if you want assistance in looking out for the best surgeon around you. In fact, you can search for the best surgeon around on your own by clicking through our official website.
Once you select the best surgeon, make sure to interact with him or her face to face, whether online or offline. This will help you to clear all the confusions you have regarding the buccal fat removal surgery. In the end, as we always recommend, you should have realistic expectations with the surgery instead of anticipating miracles.
Wrapping up!
Do you want to improve the appearance of your face? If your cheeks look chubbier than before, this is the ideal example. Every patient has a different skin texture and tone, so it takes a different timeline to experience the result. The buccal fat removal process defines the facial process and improves the V-line facial shape. Hence, this surgery is for you if you want a photogenic facial shape!
People from the entertainment industry don’t mind talking about this procedure in the public. Actors and models even prefer opting for this process to improve their facial features. No wonder, this is the ideal solution if you also wish to enhance your beauty and facial features!
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