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Preparing For Gynecomastia Surgery - What Men Should Know

Preparing For Gynecomastia Surgery - What Men Should Know

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Gynecomastia refers to a medical condition that refers to enlarging breasts among men. As per a report, about 24% to...

Gynecomastia refers to a medical condition that refers to enlarging breasts among men. As per a report, about 24% to 65% of men between the ages of 50 and 80 years face this issue without any symptoms. It is therefore essential for men to know the exact symptoms, causes, and other relevant facts regarding this male breast problem to get the right treatment at the right time.

Right here, we will cover all the important facts regarding Gynecomastia that will help men find the exact symptoms. We will also discuss the importance of proper treatment before any further complications may occur in the future.

Understanding Gynecomastia  

Gynecomastia refers to uneven breast size in males that can affect their physical appearance and damage their psychological brain. This can lead to low self-esteem, decreased confidence, and a feeling of reluctance to go out and socialize.

Most adults or even teenagers do not feel specific symptoms. However, if they are observing enlarged breasts like that of females they may undergo the Gynecomastia surgery to improve their overall health. Here are the probable causes and symptoms of Gynecomastia.

Causes behind Gynecomastia

This specific condition can happen in males of all age groups, whether infants, teenagers, or adults. The causes may however vary depending on various factors.

Gynecomastia in infant males: In the case of infants, the particular medical condition happens due to increased levels of Estrogen in mothers before giving birth.Gynecomastia in young adults: The problem could arise due to many hormonal changes during this period or after attaining puberty. Consumption of alcohol or other steroids can also lead to this medical condition.

Gynecomastia in aged males: After attaining the age of 60, most males suffer from a low level of testosterone. This often leads to the condition of Gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia due to other factors: Besides age, several other causes may also compel males to face the problem of enlarged breasts. For instance, in the case of middle-aged people, this medical condition may happen due to injury to testicles or drug usage. Other reasons such as Thyroid, obesity, or essential oils in certain creams or shampoos, can lead to Gynecomastia as well.

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Many people have negligible or no noticeable symptoms for this medical condition. Still, it is better to take cognizance of several noticeable signs, as ignoring them can be detrimental to your body.

1. Lump around the nipples

One of the major noticeable symptoms is increasing lumps around your nipple area. This particular medical condition happens when the glandular tissues increase around your nipple and lead to the soaring of nipples.

2. Increased breast size

Another symptom is an abnormal increase in the size of male breasts. Alongside, you may notice the pigmented area around your nipple becoming lumpy and saggy.

What to do after identifying Gynecomastia symptoms?

In case you suspect having Gynecomastia, your foremost action should be to visit a qualified doctor. You may also visit a plastic surgeon having adept expertise in performing successful surgeries to curb the effect of male breast enlargement. The expert will carry out a proper diagnosis to find out if you are suffering from this ailment. He will prescribe you the proper treatment method accordingly.

1. Inquiry about medical history

The diagnosis starts with examining the medical history. The healthcare provider will ask you some questions, such as:

  • When did you first notice the increase in breast size?
  • Do you experience pain or bleeding in your nipples?
  • Do you observe any kind of discharge from the nipples?
  • Are you suffering from any other health issues?
  • If yes, what are the medications?

2. Physical Examination

After examining the medical history, the doctor will proceed with the physical examination. He will measure and assess the breast sizes, nipple discharge, and weight changes. The medical practitioner may check the true or pseudo-gynecomastia to find out if there is lumpiness around glandular tissues or fat tissues.

3. Blood test

Then, the healthcare provider will run a blood test to check your hormone levels. It will also help to determine the thyroid level and liver function.

If the surgeon confirms Gynecomastia after a complete diagnosis, the expert may plan to proceed depending on the stage of the male breast condition. If medications are not enough, surgery could well be on the cards.

Preparation for Gynecomastia Surgery

Before performing the surgery, your doctor will prescribe you certain medications, especially, if you have just entered puberty. Many young adults benefit from the medications as their breast size returns to normal condition after 2 to 3 years.

When the medication fails to aggravate the breast size increment, the doctor suggests surgery. Based on your medical conditions and age, the surgeon will perform the procedure either by Liposuction or by using the procedure of tissue extension.

In either case, the surgeon will advise you on the following preparation tips before undergoing Gynecomastia surgery. It will contribute to a successful treatment.

1. Medical tests

The doctor will ask you to do certain medical tests to find out your existing health condition. Depending on the reports, you will have to stop taking certain medications. The surgeon may also prescribe certain medications to balance your current health conditions.

2. Avoid any kind of addiction with immediate effect

You must stop smoking or taking alcohol or any kind of steroids, as these habits can affect the treatment results adversely.  Nicotine can constrict your blood vessels, which decreases blood circulation to the operated area. Likewise, alcohol can impair blood clotting, which can cause excessive bleeding. Eventually, these addictions can delay the recovery duration and affect the surgery results.

3. Stop anti-inflammatory medications

Inform our doctor if you are taking herbal medications or anti-inflammatory medications for any existing health condition. As they may increase bleeding after or during surgery, the surgeon is likely to ask you to stop these medicines or suggest a modification in the dosage

4. Relax the night before

On the night before the surgery, you should eat around 6 hours prior and take a good shower to refresh yourself. Take a complete sleep so that your body can rest properly before the procedure starts.

5. The surgery day

On the day of the surgery, you should avoid drinking at least 2 hours before surgery. Just before the surgery, the doctors will sign you up for anesthesia or a sedation method. During this time, you should ask for the dosage and any side effects associated with the anesthesia. In addition, also inquire about the recovery period and immediate aftercare to control the bruises, pain, or swelling.

Preparation is necessary when considering any surgery. Therefore, it is good to clear all your doubts before going under the knife for Gynecomastia surgery. It will reduce the chance of complications after the surgery appreciably.

Choose the best surgeon for Gynecomastia

Approaching a duly qualified, trained, experienced plastic surgeon would be advisable to get away with this condition in its entirety. The right treatment at the right will ensure a healthy and long life. Feel free to browse through our website if you are looking for a seasoned surgeon. The robust database on our website will assist you in looking for a Gynecomastia surgeon in your preferred location. You can shortlist the best specialists, fix an appointment with them, and engage in a face-to-face consultation. It will help you single out the best surgeon for your purpose.

Bottom Line!

Gynecomastia is a health condition that may occur at any stage of age in males. It is better not to ignore the symptoms and visit an experienced doctor for a proper diagnosis of your problem. Depending on the outcomes, the surgeon will recommend the right treatment at the right time.

If required, you may have to undergo a surgical procedure to reduce your enlarged breasts. This will avoid complex health issues like breast cancer and other physical health problems. Therefore, visit your doctor today if you are facing any issue related to extended breasts; it could be Gynecomastia. Browsing through our website will help you single out the best surgeon in your preferred location.