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What are the Key Liposuction Sites on Your Body?

What are the Key Liposuction Sites on Your Body?

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Liposuction has been a popular cosmetic surgery for a long time, but its importance has increased even more in recent...

Liposuction has been a popular cosmetic surgery for a long time, but its importance has increased even more in recent years. The continuously evolving technologies in the domain of medical science play a major role in its popularity. The newly researched methods performed with advanced techniques and modern equipment are more effective, painless, and cost-competitive for people.  

Eventually acquiring a slim trimmed shape is a coveted desire of all and sundry, whether men or women. Those who are not able to maintain their desired look and want a slimmer body, go for Liposuction. 

Stats and facts about Liposuction

The stats below will give deeper insight into the importance of Liposuction and the reason behind its popularity among people worldwide. 

In a study, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) found Liposuction to be the most-performed surgery with 325,669 procedures in 2022, which was a 23% rise from 2019.

Liposuction has become the most popular cosmetic surgery, leaving breast augmentation to accommodate the second spot

Global Survey 2022 by ISAPS reveals Liposuction as the most opted procedure by people in the age group of 35-50 years along with botulinum toxin injectables

Tumescent Liposuction is the most common and popular Liposuction procedure in the US due to its safe, less painful, and effective results as compared to traditional Liposuction

Let’s discuss more about Liposuction and find its different aspects, just in case you too wish to attain a sculpted body through this method. 

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a widely demanded aesthetic procedure for fat removal. It intends to improve the appearance of your body by eliminating unwanted or excess fat that accounts for your irregular shape. Also termed body contouring, it helps to contour your body parts, making your appearance more appealing and adorable. 

Specifically, it can change and contour a few of your upper and lower body parts like your breasts, upper arms, abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, tummy tuck, face, neck, and other sites.

An aesthetic treatment boosts your physical and mental health, leading to a positive approach toward your personal and professional life. It also increases your confidence and makes you feel good about your body. 

These reasons make Liposuction a widely preferred option. Mostly, people who are unable to get rid of fat through exercising or a controlled diet, opt for this body contouring method.  

Going beyond misconceptions

As obvious, women undergo Liposuction to remove the excess fat. Men are not far behind in actualizing their wish to appear good-looking. They choose to undergo Liposuction to get the desired shape. Though it's a popular procedure, numerous misconceptions keep doing rounds regarding it. The need is hence to clear the mist and know the facts.

Just to let you know, Liposuction is neither a solution for obesity nor an overall weight-loss treatment. People who have a normal weight can remove the stubborn fat from specific areas to look better. It can however remove only limited fat. In addition, you should know that Liposuction couldn’t remove cellulite, stretch marks, or aging scars. 

Are you a good candidate for Liposuction?

Fulfilling these conditions will make you a suitable candidate for Liposuction.

  • If you have soft and elastic skin you can undergo this procedure.
  • If you are between the ages of 18 and 60, you can get this treatment
  • Your weight is around 30% more than the ideal weight. 
  • You have quit smoking and drinking 
  • You have realistic expectations with Liposuction

Key locations for Liposuction on your body

Let’s know about the various parts, which can benefit from Liposuction:


A bulged or protruded abdomen can spoil the look of any person. The surgeon will treat the abdomen in two sections - the upper and lower sections. Both these areas are capable of storing stubborn fats. Removal of these fats can give you a slimmer profile, which makes Liposuction a recommended procedure to obtain toned abs.


A little fat is always desirable in the buttocks region. Nevertheless, anything in excess can give a weird look. People, especially women, go for tumescent Liposuction on their buttocks to get a perfect butt. It enables them to get an appealing reduction in the size and shape of your buttocks by removing fat deposits from your hips and flanks. 

Love handle

Considered as most romantic region of the body, the location of the Love handle is between your bust and waist areas. Eventually, the fat is not visible through your eyes or clothes, but when you hold someone in these areas. The rolls and bulges may be of great concern. To avoid this embarrassment and to get a curved shape, people opt for Love Handle Liposuction.

Upper arms

The problem of excess fat is common among both women and men. You may not be overweight, but you may have oversized or sagging arms. With the increase in age, you tend to lose your muscle tone. Liposuction can tighten the area called the “batwing” for a firmer and youthful look.


Despite having a perfect body, a chubby face, and cheeks may make your appearance less appealing. Your face is the defining factor of your overall personality and you would indeed like to be an alluring one. Face Liposuction can help to remove the excess fat from the face and cheeks for a more defined contour. If you are a model or an actor, this Liposuction method is all the more important to add wings to your professional career. 


Since the year 2000, there has been an 80% increase in thigh surgeries performed. Some women feel dissatisfied with the size of their thighs and others express concern over the rashes due to thigh rubbing. For treatment, the surgeons divide the thigh into three sections - the saddlebag, the inner thigh, and the posterior thigh. Treatment for all three parts can take place at the same time for a contoured look.   


Unwanted fat across the chest is a major concern for both men and women. Men undergo Liposuction to get away with the condition of gynecomastia and women undergo Liposuction for breast reduction. The process hence involves the removal of excess and unwanted fat to give a slimmer look and enhance confidence. 

Advanced Liposuction Techniques

Capitalizing on the traditional Liposuction methods that demanded longer recovery time, the modern-day procedures are safe and take comparably less time to heal. Here are some of the widely preferred methods:

  • BodyTite
  • Ultrasonic Liposuction
  • Water jet Liposuction
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Laser Liposuction (SmartLipo)
  • Recovery from Liposuction Procedure

Non-surgical Liposuction

All these methods are effective in inflicting the desired results in their respective ways. Consulting your surgeon will help you to opt for the best method to ensure a sculpted body.

Recovery after Liposuction

To speed up your recovery after undergoing Liposuction, you should abide by some essential points:

  • Follow the instructions of the surgeon strictly
  • Hydrate yourself and follow a proper food diet
  • Keep exercising and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Maintain your weight
  • Take proper rest as suggested by your surgeon 
  • Have a comfortable bed and mattress to help you rest properly
  • Wear a compression garment to avoid fluid retention in the subcutaneous locations
  • Start walking as soon as possible to promote prompt healing
  • Do not consume spicy and salty food for around two weeks following Liposuction
  • Have a liquid diet as much as possible up to at least two days after the procedure
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking cigarettes until you complete recovery

Transform Your Life through Liposuction 

Liposuction can change your life. It increases confidence in you both physically and mentally, even though maintaining the Liposuction surgery is totally in your hands. It is wise to do proper research, analyze things from all angles, and then make your final decision. Remember you are bringing changes in your body, so you need to be very cautious. 

It is therefore wise to achieve your aesthetic goals with a good team of doctors. Before undergoing this surgery, you should do proper research about the doctors who are going to treat you. Their experience and patient review will matter a lot. They should be capable enough to handle any unique or tricky situation you may face. The surgeons should be available 24X7. 

Since everybody is unique, you cannot face fixed problems. There is a separate treatment for each patient. Therefore, be sure to ask your doctor about the customized treatment that will be suitable for your body. To learn more about the best Liposuction surgeon in your preferred location, you can browse through our website.