Did You Know These Vital Facts about Brow Lift Procedure?
Appearance is supposedly one of the most important aspects of our life. It not only helps you to be confident...
Appearance is supposedly one of the most important aspects of our life. It not only helps you to be confident about yourself but also drives away the anxiety and inferiority you might feel. Even though there is no common standard for beauty, it differs from one person to another on how they perceive it.
People set different standards for themselves in their own outlook. Most of them go for different kinds of surgeries according to what they believe are fit for them. Are you feeling the same way and want to undergo one of those surgeries?
You could opt for different cosmetic treatments for different problems your body is facing. For instance, if you are experiencing a sagging face, and it is making you look older than you actually are, you could use brow lift or forehead lift surgery to overcome this problem. Let us discuss this surgery in depth.
Brow Lift Surgery – A concise intro
Expert surgeons perform this cosmetic surgery procedure irrespective of the gender to contour the eyebrows and give your face a lift. In most cases, the purpose focuses on giving the patient a youthful look. In several instances, this treatment intends at realigning the brows to the original position. Surgeons perform several related techniques to execute this job with finesse, such as:
- Direct brow lift
- Endoscopic brow lift
- Pretrichial brow lift
- Lateral brow lift
To ensure opting for the best technique for brow lift, you should get in contact with an experienced and reputed surgeon. This will help you discuss your problems and the purpose of getting this surgery. Eventually, he will be able to understand your problem clearly and recommend the best solution suitable for your cause.
Reasons to opt for brow lift
When examining the face of a patient for a cosmetic treatment, surgeons mostly divide it into three main parts: eyes, face and brow. After evaluating the entire brow area, the surgeon may advise for brow lift in the following conditions:
- Sagging eyebrows that need proper elevation, this will also remove the unwanted skin from the upper eyelids
- Asymmetrical eyebrows that need a significant improvement or change in their shape
- Static wrinkles and hanging skin developed on the forehead that require immediate removal or at least an effective decrease.
- Slowing down of the muscle function in the glabellar and the brow region, hence leading to prompt surgical intervention
Owing to the technicalities involved in the detection of the accurate problem, only an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon would be the best to examine your body. Hence, make sure to approach only the best one.
Are you the right candidate for brow lift?
People above the age of 40 years could be an ideal candidate for the brow lift surgery, if they are medically fit and free from any chronic ailment. Usually, the brow line starts drooping at 40 or beyond making the concerned people the suitable candidate for this treatment. Nevertheless, in some cases, people start facing the problem of sagging brows right in their 20s or 30s, due to genetic or hereditary reasons. They also qualify for the brow lift surgery, but only after proper examination by the surgeon.
In addition, if you are facing several obstructions as below, you can visit an experienced surgeon to undergo the brow lift surgery.
- Droopy or Saggy brows
- Lethargic or tired look on the face
- Heavy upper lids
- Excess skin hanging on the upper eyelids
- Excess skin surfaces in the Patient’s lateral canthus area
- Generation of deep horizontal lines on the top of the head
- Furrows surfacing between the brows
- vision problems due to excessively droopy brows
- The urge to pull up lateral brow with the hands while looking at the mirror
In several instances, there is substantial skin overhanging around the crow’s feet, which makes it difficult for the surgeon to get away with it alone through an eyelid surgery. Any such condition makes it inevitable to opt for brow lift as an additional surgery.
Likewise, in several other conditions, mid-face drooping may transform the orbital shape of the patient’s face into a circular one. In other instances, the patient may develop nasolabial folds. In such circumstances, the surgeon will likely recommend a face lift as well, in addition to the brow lift procedure.
Things to know before getting brow lift surgery
The surgery isn't major but still it must concern you a little, especially if it's your first time. Let us go through some things you should look into and give a deep thought to before proceeding with your decision
1. Anesthesia
Administering anesthesia usually depends on the type of technique you are undergoing for brow lift. In general, the surgeon can decide for minor sedation and local anesthesia. In other cases, he could also opt for general anesthesia.
2. Scarring
Scars are not that common when brow lift surgery takes place. Much depends on the technique employed while executing the procedure. In some techniques, scars might occur but the placement is usually in the midst of the brow hair that allows it to remain concealed.
3. Alternatives
You can achieve the look you want without having brow surgery through several other ways as well, such as via neurotoxins. Injecting them can give you a temporary brow lift, the results of which last for about 3-4 months.
The above are some of the things that might not have much of an effect now but are worth thinking about. While we are at it let us also list some of the risks involved in brow surgery, even though it is nothing serious.
Knowing about these points in detail from your surgeon will be ideal if you are serious about going for brow lift surgery. Complete information can help you decide whether to go for the surgery or refrain from it, for now.
Risks involved in brow surgery
Like any other surgery, brow lift procedure is equally likely to accompany certain side effects, like:
- Excessive bleeding
- Infection
- Temporary loss of sensation, it might turn permanent in some cases
- Occasional scarring which might also lead to hair loss along the scar edge
- Slight damage to nerves that control the movement of eyebrows
- Asymmetrical eyebrows
The chances of these risks pertaining to you are very low. They might surface if some procedure doesn't suit you or your body acts against it. Hence, it is important to have a detailed consultation with your surgeon. You should abide strictly by your surgeon and avoid doing things that could affect your surgery results adversely.
Answering all the questions honestly also holds high essence during your consultation with the surgeon. It will help him to ascertain your current mental condition and suggest you the best move accordingly.
Some astonishing facts about the brow lift procedure
Moving on, let us tell you some of the facts about the brow lift procedure that might take you by surprise.
1. Additional benefits
You might already be aware about many benefits that you could avail by undergoing a brow lift procedure. Do you also know that it treats fine lines as well? If not, now you do. Having the surgery can help you break free from all the blemishes and give you a youthful look.
2. It doesn't have to give the brow a lift
Are you satisfied with your current positioning and structure of your eyebrows but still want to reduce the aging signs? If yes, you can consult about this during your interaction with your surgeon. He can recommend several other techniques as per your consent.
3. It can treat medical issues
Having a brow lift surgery does not only cater to your physical issues but medical as well. This happens especially at times when sagging brows may be the reason for your vision becoming blurry. It is because the sagged skin interrupts your eyesight. Getting the surgery may be your one stop solution.
4. The “Surprised” Look Won't Last Forever
Due to the skin tightening issues in the initial stage after the surgery, it may look as if you are always surprised and shocked. This may be because your eyebrows seem extra high. This problem will vanish after a few days when the skin settles and you get a natural looking face again.
If you were unaware of these facts, now you know that brow lift can help you much more than merely appreciating your appearance. These and many more plus points will surface once you visit an experienced surgeon in person and clear all your concerns with him in person.
You would want to know many more things about brow surgery. Even so, the above facts will suffice for a while. The information here gives you the basic idea about the brow lift surgery. Keep in mind to follow the instructions during the recovery period. It is usually for about 10 days. Get in contact with an experienced and board certified surgeon for best results. In any case, make sure to have realistic expectations while avoiding anticipating miracles.
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