11 Interesting Facts About Rhinoplasty You Never Knew
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as ‘nose job’, is something we have all heard of. Rhinoplasty restructures and reshapes the nose,...
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as ‘nose job’, is something we have all heard of. Rhinoplasty restructures and reshapes the nose, and is one of the top five plastic surgeries opted by many. While many view rhinoplasty as a cosmetic procedure, there is much more to it in terms of enhancing functionality. Here are some interesting facts about this surgery that will take you by surprise.
1. Rhinoplasty Is Not a Modern Technique
Most people consider Rhinoplasty as a modern surgical practice, but in fact, it is not new to this world.
Rhinoplasty had been one of the most famous nose treatments of the ancient times as well. Yes! This treatment finds its mention in the ancient Indian documents written around 2000 years ago. Sushruta, an Ayurvedic physician of 800 BC, describes the reconstruction of the nose in his medical compendium Sushruta Samhita. This technique was used to correct the noses that were damaged in battles and also as a result of mutilation. Similarly, in Egypt, an ancient papyrus was found which detailed the restoring of the nose that is cut off through the basic principles of today’s Rhinoplasty.
2. Rhinoplasty Isn’t Just for the Looks
Though cosmetic surgery is often associated with the looks, Rhinoplasty is performed for other reasons as well, apart from beautifying a person’s appearance. Some opt for Rhinoplasty when they have trouble breathing. This is commonly due to deviated septum where one passage of the nose is narrower than the other, which obstructs the person from breathing freely. Rhinoplasty can correct this deviated septum by changing the position of the tissue present between the two passages.
Rhinoplasty is also used to correct irregularities in the nose due to accidents, congenital disabilities cancer or for any other reasons that require to repair the nose.
3. Not All Surgeons Can Perform Rhinoplasty
Not all plastic surgeons are equipped to perform Rhinoplasty. Since the nose is a very delicate part of our body, operating on it requires extreme attention to detail and expertise. Even a minor deviation or mistake during the operation could have a significant impact on the person.
It is best to go with a surgeon who is qualified enough not just by qualification but also by experience. Surgeons who have performed enough Rhinoplasty surgeries are expected to be more adept at giving the expected results like in most surgical fields.
4. Improper Rhinoplasty Procedure Could Change Your Voice
Did you hear the rumours about the change in the person’s voice after going through Rhinoplasty? Well, that may not be entirely wrong!
While it is possible to notice a modification in the voice by operating on the nose structure, not all Rhinoplasty surgeries could end up with the same result. The voice will change only when the surgeon has made a mistake in the surgery or he didn’t take proper precautions.
This is easily avoidable by choosing an experienced surgeon who has performed several such surgeries successfully.
5.Rhinoplasty Technique Could Vary Depending on the Gender
Though the basic procedure of Rhinoplasty remains the same, the technique can differ for men and women. The angle of the slope on the nose is different for both men and women and hence, the look of the nose also differs. The surgeon will try to make it look as masculine or feminine as possible based on the respective gender when working on the nose structure.
6. An Exact Replica of the Nose Isn’t Possible
Few may visit the plastic surgeon with a picture of a celebrity whose exact nose they wish to have. However, Rhinoplasty doesn’t work that way. This surgery is to make your nose as natural as possible in alignment with your other facial features. Trying to replicate someone else’s nose through the surgery can make your nose unnatural and have chances to spoil your entire look.
7. Rhinoplasty Is Very Quick
Both the surgery and the recovery period are quicker than many other standard cosmetic procedures. Based on the intensity of the treatment, Rhinoplasty could take a maximum of 1 to 2 hours after which the patient can go home. Generally, a week’s rest is sufficient to heal and the patient can return to normal life.
8. Computer Imaging Can Give an Idea About the Results
A patient may have certain expectations about how they want their nose to look. Similarly, the plastic surgeon will have a few ideas about reshaping the patient’s nose to make them look better. All these visions of both the surgeon and patient can be brought together through computer imaging. Instead of the patient fretting about how the nose may look after the surgery, the plastic surgeon could create an image of the patient with the new nose through computer imaging. The patient can voice their opinions and this will help in deciding a near-accurate shape of the nose that is achievable through Rhinoplasty. However this may have medicolegal issues if the same nose as planned is not achieved. This is the reason most surgeons will not adopt this practice of computer simulation.
9. Winter Is the Most In-Demand Period for Rhinoplasty
This is yet another fun fact about Rhinoplasty. Wonder why many prefer to go for Rhinoplasty surgery in winter? This is mainly because the healing period is much quicker in the winter period and the patient can get back to their normal life sooner when compared to the same procedure performed in the summer.
10. A Revised Surgery Can Correct Rhinoplasty Gone Wrong
It is not always possible to get the expected results of the Rhinoplasty as one desires. Sometimes, the patient could be unhappy with how their nose looks even after the surgery. However, there is still a way to correct it.
A minor surgical revision can help in modifying the results of Rhinoplasty but this can only be performed after the nose has healed from the first surgery. It could take a few months for the nose to heal completely from the first Rhinoplasty after which, the surgeon will perform the revision.
11. The Complete Results Can Take Many Months to Appear
Though the recovery period of Rhinoplasty is very less, the patient will experience swelling on the nose for a few months to a year depending on their body conditions. During this healing period, the swelling on the nose may take away temporarily from the actual results. Before jumping to conclusions that the expected results aren’t visible, it is best to wait until the swelling is completely gone and then observe the nose.
You can get the expected results from Rhinoplasty if you choose the right surgeon. Spend sufficient time in researching about the surgeon and have realistic expectations of getting the best out of Rhinoplasty.
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