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All About Liposuction – 10 Important Facts That You Should Know

All About Liposuction – 10 Important Facts That You Should Know

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With advancements in medical science, the paradigm of cosmetic treatments has shifted significantly. Doctors nowadays prefer utilizing the latest technologies

With advancements in medical science, the paradigm of cosmetic treatments has shifted significantly. Doctors nowadays prefer utilizing the latest technologies and new medical concepts to achieve perfection in different cosmetic surgeries, from the simplest to the most complex ones. Owing to this reason, the number of successful cases in the cosmetic treatment domain is skyrocketing like never before.

Out of different cosmetic treatments carried out to reverse any irregularity or disfiguration of human appearance, liposuction is the most common procedure. Lipo means fat, and suction is a technique using which the surgeons remove the fat accumulated under the skin from the body. While this process has gained much popularity in the past few decades, several misconceptions about the same also keep surfacing now and then.

This is because many people are still unaware of liposuction, its benefits and risk factors. They have their own theories regarding appropriate liposuction procedure, which leads to misconceptions. For this reason, here we have presented a complete discussion on liposuction, focusing on ten major facts you should be aware of.  Hope it will clear the mist.

Fact #1: Liposuction cannot remove all fat

Many people believe that Liposuction removes all fat from the body, which is one of the most common myths that people believe in. In several instances, people have opted for this new cosmetic technique to eliminate all deposited fat under their skin or in the muscles. However, that's not how this procedure works.

Instead, liposuction removes excess fat in certain areas like the abdomen, calf muscles, hips, etc. If you have any excess fat deposition in specific areas of your body, you can opt for a liposuction cosmetic procedure to eliminate the same. But surgeons opine not to expect miracles and have realistic expectations with the treatment.

Fact #2: Liposuction is not ideal for reversing obesity

Another misconception people have about liposuction is that it can reverse obesity and instantly make an obese person thin and slim. Well, that's not how this medical procedure works. Instead, it simply helps in removing the extra fat.

If the fat molecules remain deposited in a subcutaneous layer or the deep-seated muscles, only proper diet and exercise plan can help you eliminate obesity. So, if you plan to reverse the obese condition, liposuction is not the right procedure.  If any doctor suggests or lures you to undergo liposuction, it is better not to follow his advice.

Fact #3: It doesn’t eliminate early aging signs

Liposuction removes the fat accumulated under your skin. However, it does not affect your skin or any early aging signs that you are experiencing at present. For example, people believe that fat removal will eventually lead to skin tightening yet again, which will relieve them from sagging skin around the concerned body portions. However, be aware that removing the fat does not affect your sagged and loose skin. Liposuction does not induce the formation of cellulose, the main source of skin tightness. Direct consultation with your plastic or cosmetic surgeon is advisable to help you clear your confusion on how to get rid of sagging skin.

Fact #4: Liposuction is not a major surgery

If you talk to any person who owns zero knowledge about liposuction, the first reaction you will get is:

“Liposuction is a major surgery that involves lots of invasions”

Just to bust this myth, you should know that most clinics or hospitals consider this treatment to be for outpatients; therefore, you won't have to stay hospitalized for too long. In fact, this is the easiest and painless cosmetic surgery to help you get a wonderful shape and figure.

You will be free to leave the hospital once you start feeling comfortable and the effect of anesthesia wears off. Within a couple of days, you can resume your daily activities. If there occurs any major health problem after the surgery, which is hampering your daily life, prompt medical intervention ought to be the ultimate resolution. Make sure to visit your cosmetic surgeon immediately in such circumstances.

Fact #5: The results are more effective and long-lasting

Another common fact that most people aren't aware of is that liposuction is an effective process that can reduce fatty areas with sheer excellence. Besides, since the entire process is long lasting, you will not have to invest more money in the treatment. Therefore, if you want to get the perfect figure you desire, liposuction is the best way to get so. The need is however to make the right selection of clinic and the surgeon.

The cost factor might deter you from visiting the best clinic for the liposuction procedure. Nevertheless, if it holds a commendable reputation for excellent results, there is no harm in opting for it. Your decision will save you from visiting another clinic for correcting the mistakes caused due to faulty liposuction procedure done in a comparably cheaper clinic via some less experienced plastic surgeon.

Fact #6: Removed fats is reusable

During the liposuction surgery, it is possible to transfer the removed fat to other parts of your body for upliftment. For example, if you have excess fat in the abdominal region, you can easily get rid of the same. Your cosmetic surgeon can reuse the same amount of fat cells to uplift your buttocks or breasts. This is one of the many reasons behind the rapidly rising popularity of liposuction across the globe.

Experts prefer utilizing several new lipo techniques such as tickle liposuction or water-assisted liposuction to get away with unwanted fat with minimal trauma and bruising. As already mentioned, these procedures also make the removed fat reusable in other body areas that lag in fat volume, like breasts, but, face, etc. As a bonus tip, liposuction with fat grafting is a much safer and minimally invasive procedure as compared to fillers or implants.  

Fact #7: Surgeons can use both Local and general anesthesia

Although liposuction is not a major cosmetic surgery, it still needs invasion. This is why plastic surgeons opt to administer anesthesia. In case of less targeted zones, with each session focusing on a single zone, local anesthesia sounds to be a better option than anything else. Tumescent liposuction is a perfect example in this case.

In order to cover multiple areas in a single session, the surgeons mostly prefer to proceed with general anesthesia. To be specific, it can help to perform full body liposuction (more than four areas) in a single procedure. Hence, this is convenient for the surgeons as it sets them free from numbing the selected portions for the surgery.

Fact #8: Side effects of liposuction are minimal

Unlike other cosmetic surgeries, liposuction does not have many side effects. Yes, you may feel uncomfortable for a couple of days, and the areas can ache mildly, but you don’t need to worry much about the symptoms. Your doctors will give you all the medicines you need for a quick recovery. In addition, you can easily carry on with your exercise routine to stay fit and prolong liposuction results.

Abiding by the instructions of your cosmetic surgeon after the surgery would however be advisable. Equally important is to follow the diet chart prescribed by your dietician so that the fat does not revisit your body. Failing to adhere to any of these experts might result in the accumulation of fat yet again. For sure, you won’t want to go under the knife repeatedly, would you?

Fact #9: It doesn’t cause injuries or scars

One major misconception about liposuction is that it leaves scar marks during the recovery phase, after the completion of the surgery. However, that's not true because liposuction does not involve any major incisions on your skin. Therefore, you won't have to worry about wounds or scars forming at different locations. In  surgeon.

Fact #10: Liposuction is an affordable surgery

Finally yet importantly, liposuction is not a costly procedure. It is highly affordable, and anyone can opt for this cosmetic treatment. Nevertheless, if you choose any other additional cosmetic treatment, like upliftment or skin tightening, the overall expenses are bound to increase subject to the type of procedure. As a result, you should decide the surgeries you want to have and set your budget accordingly.

Yet again, candid discussion with your plastic surgeon would be advisable to help you decide for the best treatment. The surgeon will also care to make you aware of all the pros and cons associated with the liposuction treatment and the associated surgeries. After knowing about your concerns and apprehensions regarding the surgery, he can prepare you mentally for the surgery in a better manner. The urge to choose the best cosmetic surgeon for the treatment hence becomes obvious.

Wrapping up!

With all these facts now known to you, it is evident that liposuction is not a complex and invasive cosmetic procedure that will put you at any risk. Hence, it is inevitable to consult everything with your surgeon and gain accurate information about the liposuction procedure. He is also the best person to educate on how the procedure will help to eliminate excess fat from your body.

Once you gain the basic knowledge, there is no need to feel hesitant. So gear up and consult your surgeon today. A fat free body is waiting to make your future brighter and slimmer. All you need is to make the right decisions regarding the liposuction procedure. Your first wise step will pave the wave for an enhanced body.