Blog / Who is the Ideal Good Candidate to Undergo Brow Lift Procedure?

Who is the Ideal Good Candidate to Undergo Brow Lift Procedure?

Who is the Ideal Good Candidate to Undergo Brow Lift Procedure?

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The eyebrows of a person are one of the most noticeable features on their face. Apart from outlining the eyes...

The eyebrows of a person are one of the most noticeable features on their face. Apart from outlining the eyes naturally, eyebrows also play a vital role in expressing emotions. However, aging can inflict the burden of a decline in the beauty of your eyebrows as gravity works its usual course.

The impact of aging is also clearly visible in the creases on your brow line alongside wrinkles. Interestingly, cosmetic surgery has good news for everyone worried about the effects of aging on how they look.

A simple brow lift surgery could help you get rid of the wrinkles by repositioning the forehead to raise the brow. However, it is also important to identify whether you are an ideal candidate for the brow lift surgical procedure. Here is all you should know about this procedure, which could contribute significantly in appreciating your looks, when done the right way.

The need for a brow lift procedure

The human skin loses elasticity with aging. In addition, the effect of sun damage also results in weakening the skin with gravity pulling your brow down, resulting in wrinkles. On top of it, you can develop 'frown lines' between eyebrows, which can make your expressions look angry or serious. Furthermore, sagging eyebrows could also make you look tired or gloomy at all times.

While you don't have any command over the actions of nature, a brow lift surgery can help you reverse the impact of aging. Also referred to as a forehead lift, temporal brow lift, browplasty and forehead rejuvenation, a brow lift can help you correct sagging eyebrows, wrinkles on forehead and vertical furrows between eyebrows.

Remember that this procedure does not affect the shape of eyes and does not help in fixing baggy eyelids. For best results, it is however important to approach the best plastic surgeon around you. Make sure that he holds credible experience and is board certified.  

Is brow lift surgery still popular?

The arrival of Botox served as a major milestone in the field of cosmetic surgery, with significant strides in non-invasive cosmetic procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, interest in the brow lift surgery procedure declined by almost 69% from 2000 to 2019. However, the surgical brow lift procedure has been successful in garnering the attention of another customer base - the millennial.

In addition, plastic surgeons have pointed out that the pandemic has fuelled the growth in popularity of brow lift surgery. How? Since masks have become compulsory, most of the focus is on the upper part of the face. Furthermore, around 35% of candidates for brow lift procedures in the age group of 20 to 40 prefer surgical procedures to fillers. Hence, the importance of this treatment in appreciating the looks becomes evident.

Types of brow lift procedures

Before determining your readiness for the brow lift procedure, you should learn about the different types of procedures. Let’s know in brief amount the prominent ones:

Classic Lift

After administering anesthesia to the patient, this procedure requires the surgeon to make a single continuous incision from ear level to the other ear across the frontal hairline. In several instances, the surgeon chooses a hairline to create an incision. Next, he lifts the forehead skin, eliminates the additional fat and proceeds with muscle realignment if required. The procedure may also require the surgeon to place the eyebrows at a raised level while trimming away the unwanted skin.

Endoscopic Lift

This procedure works with some smaller incisions in the scalp followed by insertion of a scope through the incisions. Surgeons would use the scope to make necessary adjustments in the tissues with the help of anchors. They leverage advanced fiber optic equipment to elevate and release the brow tissues. As a slight after effect of this minimally invasive procedure, the patient may notice minimal bruising but the recovery time in this procedure is comparably quicker than the classic lift.

Limited Incision Lift

The treatment of limited incision lift is the combination of classic brow lift and endoscopic lift procedures. Surgeons would make smaller incisions, albeit avoiding the scope. This technique is suitable for reducing wrinkles around the corners of the eyes.

Temporal Lift

It is yet another minimally invasive procedure carried out under local anesthesia. Surgeons often call it as another streamlined version of endoscopic lift that can make way for enhanced outcomes with reduced downtime.

Right candidate for brow lift procedure

The basic information about the brow lift procedure explains how it can help people who are experiencing the side effects of aging. Here are some of the most crucial factors in determining your candidacy for brow lift procedure.  

Is the brow lift necessary?

Different conditions affecting the appearance of a person's forehead and eyebrows due to aging are obvious indicators of the necessity of a brow lift procedure. However, it is important to identify whether one actually needs a brow lift or other procedures. For example, people could need a temple lift or eyelid surgery to achieve the desired results in their appearance.

Likewise, it is also important to consider the height of the forehead and hairline. Surgeons would evaluate the positioning of the eyebrows with respect to the hairline. In addition, they must also identify whether they have to lower the hairline of their patients for the procedure.

Desired outcomes

Brow lift procedure is one of the various cosmetic procedures, which helps people rejuvenate their looks. The brow lift is an essential tool in plastic surgery for removing additional skin tissue and fat, which eventually helps in lifting the forehead and rejuvenating your eyebrows.

On the other hand, you could also need many other procedures for rejuvenating your face and improving your skin condition. For example, surgeons can recommend dermabrasion, microneedling or TCA chemical peel alongside the brow lift to achieve desired improvements in your appearance.

Health and age

Anyone in the age bracket of 40 to 65 years is eligible for a brow lift procedure, all you need is to be physically healthy and a non-smoker. Still, the younger patients would always be the better candidates to undergo the procedure, due to the possibility of a genetic disposition to a heavy brow.

At times, patients aged between 20s and 30s may opt for brow lift as well. In terms of health, you must consult with the surgeon about your existing health conditions before choosing the brow lift surgery.

People from all the age groups that aspire to undergo brow lift procedure do so in order to attain their respective distinct goals. For instance, older patients wish to diminish their frown lines, drooping brows or creases on the forehead. Younger people might want to adjust the hairline level or enhance their facial appearance. However, it is important to remember that children should never go for brow lift surgery.

Looking for the best surgeon

It is important to choose a reliable and professional cosmetic surgery facility or credible surgeons for a consultation. Tell them about your condition and inform them about every detail of your medical history. Careful planning and preparation before the surgery could help you make the most of the benefits of brow lift procedures.  

To look for the best surgeon, you can feel free to browse through our robust website. We own a database of experienced and board certified surgeons throughout the major locations of the country. Depending on your preferred location and the specialty of the concerned surgeon, you can do the search on our website. In the resulting pages, you can compare the doctors and choose the one that suits your preferences.  

Fixing an appointment with your preferred surgeon would be the next advisable move. You can interact with the expert in a one-to-one session to know about the procedure in detail. After listening to your problem, the surgeon can suggest the ideal brow lift procedure. In addition, he will also make you aware about the preparation, recovery phases, ideal age to be the best candidate for the treatment, the cost of the surgery and other important aspects.

Should you go for a brow lift procedure now?

The popularity of brow lift procedure and the conditions it corrects alongside the essential requirements for candidacy could help you make the right choice. Almost 88,000 brow lift procedures happen in the United States annually. However, that does not mean you should also have one right away.

A recommended move would be to contact an experienced and board certified surgeon, as suggested earlier. After examining your body, specifically the problem area, he can suggest whether you are a suitable candidate for the brow lift treatment.

Like any surgery, brow lift is also an important procedure. Any type of hurry in deciding for it could prove to be harmful for your health. Therefore, you should satisfy yourself completely before going under the knife. Checking out the before and after photos of the previous patients of your surgeon could help in this regard. Consulting with others who have already undergone the procedure could also play an important role in making up your mind for the procedure.