Blog / Breast Reduction Surgery: Helping You Get Rid of Large Breasts

Breast Reduction Surgery: Helping You Get Rid of Large Breasts

Breast Reduction Surgery: Helping You Get Rid of Large Breasts

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For women who want smaller, more proportionate breasts, a breast reduction can be a lifesaver. Medical and cosmetic considerations are...

For women who want smaller, more proportionate breasts, a breast reduction can be a lifesaver. Medical and cosmetic considerations are two of the many reasons why women choose this operation. In any event, plastic surgeons strive for nothing less than the finest for their patients.

An experienced plastic surgeon can make your breasts smaller to better fit your body by removing extra skin, fat, and tissue. Patients prefer to undergo this procedure, as it helps reduce the physical pain associated with having large breasts.

Additionally, many more concerns arising with your large breasts may compel you to opt for breast reduction surgery.

Concerns about large breasts

Below are a few concerns that women often face because of large boobs. If you too are experiencing similar problems, it is high time to consult a doctor to undergo breast reduction.

Are your breasts giving you a lot of pain?

You are in agony because your breasts are too big Isn’t it? If your shoulder, neck, and back discomfort are chronic and severe, you may need to take medication for prompt healing. Deep, agonizing grooves appear on your shoulders whenever you remove your nightwear, including your bra. An itchy rash or inflammation in the breastfold is also possible.

An ideal way to get rid of these symptoms is to opt for breast reduction. Your insurance may pay for the surgery if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. But consultation with your insuring agent will be vital if you wish to opt for this procedure.

Do you find it difficult to exercise?

Jogging makes you feel self-conscious, even wearing an industrial-strength, rigid sports bra. Having to adjust your position constantly is excruciatingly painful. You are missing out if you want to tone your arms and shoulders with hand weights but cannot cross your arms over your chest. Some yoga poses are particularly challenging because your breasts are in the way.

Since you were a preteen, your preferred movement methods eschewed you. If you do not work out every day, you won't get your daily dose of endorphins, and you won't feel good about taking care of yourself.

Is your faith in yourself declining?

Large breasts could tend you to bear low self-esteem. You appear heavier than your natural figure due to your ample chest. Your confidence takes a big hit because you struggle to work out the manner you desire.

Due to your ample breasts, you often enthrall unwelcome stares and you might need to wear layers or baggy apparel to hide your figure. Your huge breasts detract from your confidence and make you feel bad about yourself.

Do you face difficulty dressing appropriately?

Dressing becomes such a nuisance due to large breasts at times. They may be a matter of attraction for other others, but ask the owners of those boobs, and they will describe you the real agony.  

Every clothing brand has its unique style, so finding clothes that fit can be a challenge. When you add in big, uneven breasts, it is next to impossible to find off-the-rack clothing that fits appropriately. Moreover, large and high-quality bras can be somewhat costly. You wind up looking less than stellar in baggy, formless garments. It is more a compromise than your choice of clothing.

Are your breasts asymmetrical?

Like any other paired bodily part, breasts also exhibit some degree of asymmetry. They might vary in shape, size, location, and volume, even on the same individual. A breast reduction can correct visibly uneven breast size.

At times, they can also alter the shape and size of your breasts, even if they are already smaller than you would like. By gaining a symmetrical appearance to your breasts, you can flaunt your body in a more stylish manner.

A breast lift might be necessary for you, too

If your answer to any of the questions mentioned above is yes, you are an ideal candidate for breast reduction surgery.  Technically speaking, breasts lose some of their elasticity as you age. Doctors call the ligaments that hold the breasts in place Cooper's.

The stretching of Cooper's ligaments, a medical term for sagging breasts, occurs naturally with age. Due to the increased amount of tissue tugging down, larger breasts droop more than smaller ones.

A breast reduction would be the right move to prevent your breasts from drooping further. You might expect a breast lift in addition to a breast reduction. What more? You will appear younger and with perkier breasts.

A breast reduction goes beyond mere aesthetics

For many women, having huge breasts is more than just how they look. At the worst, it can affect their health as well. When you have large breasts, you may find that your shoulders, neck, and back ache a bit. Additionally, having large breasts can lead to skin rashes, making it difficult to do some things. It may even induce headaches, tingling, and numbness in the upper extremities.

The areola size may be more significant, and the position of larger breasts is often lower on the chest than optimal. By lifting the breasts and lowering the body weight, a woman can straighten her back. She can also alleviate strain on her neck and shoulders caused by the bra straps.

So, technically, a breast reduction procedure goes beyond giving aesthetic appeal to a female body. It helps to solve many health issues created because of large boobs.

The essentials of breast reduction

The possibility of surgical scars, diminished nipple sensitivity, and delayed breastfeeding are all risks that people undergoing breast reduction should be aware of. In addition to covering all the necessary ground during your appointment, your surgeon should be able to put you in touch with previous patients who have had similar procedures done to hear their stories firsthand.

To achieve your ideal result, communicate openly with your cosmetic surgeon. Before your breast reduction surgery, be sure to know what you want out of the process by asking plenty of questions and voicing any concerns you have. If you want the best possible result from your plastic surgery, your surgeon will tailor the process to your unique needs.

The typical time for breast reduction surgery, done as an outpatient operation, is two to three hours. The surgeon may recommend staying overnight at the facility to reduce discomfort or nausea. Likewise, an outpatient operation allows the patient to return home the next morning or the same day of surgery.

What to expect after the surgery?

The surgeon may use different methods for incision healing. For example, they may use sutures, drains, tape, or glue. Some may also use ointments for proper and scar-less healing. You may expect the following during the recovery period:

Initial Phase – 1-3 Weeks

  • Dressings on your chest
  • The use of gauze padding, tape, or glue to cover stitches
  • Advise to wear a supporting bra
  • Mild pain or soreness in the treated area of the breasts
  • Blood of fluid drainage from the incision line over a few days post-surgery
  • Sleep on your back for 2-3 weeks
  • Use a pillow or recliner to support your back
  • Reduction in swelling and bruising in the third week
  • Incisions turning pink or brown, and appear firm or soft
  • Start wearing underwire bras after consulting with your doctor

Last Phase: 3-6 Months

  • Resume your daily routine activities and can get intimate with your partner as well
  • Numbness in the chest, which will improve with time
  • Swelling vanishes within 3-4 months
  • Scars may take a longer time to soften and fade away

The recovery time is short as compared to other surgeries but proper planning is essential.  Abiding by your surgeon’s instructions is advisable.

Final words

Several reasons may tempt you to go for a breast reduction and large breasts are the mother of all those reasons. Your big breasts are likely to cause several difficulties like pain, difficulty in exercising, low self-esteem, and hassles in proper dressing. At times, asymmetry in breasts can also be the reason to go for this surgery.

It may help to get away with the pain you suffer in your back, neck, or shoulders. Therefore, besides fulfilling aesthetic reasons, breast reduction also addresses health concerns. Nevertheless, like all other surgeries, it may also cause you to face several risks and side effects. Consultation with an experienced and consummate surgeon is hence advisable.  

The expert can guide you better about the preparation of the procedure, and the possible side-effects after the surgery. Decide for the procedure only after you are completely satisfied with the information you have. Once you go under the knife, make sure to have realistic expectations with the results. It will save you from disappointment and help you to accept the outcome more willfully.

So don’t wait, fix an appointment with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon who holds a successful record in performing breast reduction. Imagine all the possibilities for fun and fashion that will open up once your breast size and position complement your figure and exercise goals. It will motivate you further to go for a breast reduction surgery.