Blog / Top 6 Nose Shape Concerns That Can Find Resolution in Rhinoplasty

Top 6 Nose Shape Concerns That Can Find Resolution in Rhinoplasty

Top 6 Nose Shape Concerns That Can Find Resolution in Rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty is one of the most widely preferred plastic surgery procedures to accentuate the facial aesthetics. As per American Society...

Rhinoplasty is one of the most widely preferred plastic surgery procedures to accentuate the facial aesthetics. As per American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 220,000 Rhinoplasty surgeries take place every year, which further endorses the claims of its growing popularity.

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery can solve the key issues with the nose. It can resize, re-position, or reshape the nose based on the person's medical or aesthetic looking needs. However, like all the other surgeries, the candidates are likely to have certain doubts regarding nose job as well.

Here is a detailed insight into various concerns that find satisfying resolution under Rhinoplasty followed by some quick points about this nose job procedure. Let’s start by discussing certain medical conditions that could lead to a defective nose shape, thus necessitating the need for Rhinoplasty.

Medical conditions solved by Rhinoplasty

Some of the medical conditions that can find treatment by Rhinoplasty include:

Deviated septum

The condition occurs with the dislocation of nasal septum to one direction and mostly, it can be a congenital disorder, i.e., by birth.

Mild sleep apnea

The person with this condition experiences lesser breathing problems than in the case of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which causes interrupted breathing and persistent blockages in the airways while sleeping.

Crooked or broken nose

This problem can lead to severe pain and may cause nose bleeding as well. A crooked nose may also result in breathing problems. Realignment of nose through Rhinoplasty could be a suitable treatment to get away with this situation.

Sinus and other infections

Usually, sinus happens due to building up of fluid in the air-filled pockets present on the face, which promotes the growth of germs. Both bacteria and the viruses can be the reason behind sinus infection.

Damaged Nose Bridge

When you observe redness, intense pain or swelling in your nose, it can be due to a damaged nose bridge. You may notice a crackling or crunching sound on touching the nose in this condition, which indicates problems in your internal nasal structure. Breathing difficulty due to blocked nose can also be one of the signs behind this ailment.

Whatever be the reason, Rhinoplasty could prove to be the ultimate remedy for all these concerns.

Rhinoplasty- What is its aim?

Rhinoplasty aims to make a universally attractive nose. This specific nose surgery brings the feature harmony and facial balance back to the face. Keeping your nose matching the other facial features becomes easier after going through this treatment. Since it is obvious for people to keep the nose, eyes, and mouth balanced for overall looks, confining in a Rhinoplasty surgeon would be ideal if they are experiencing any severe problem with the nose.

Common nose shape concerns solved by Rhinoplasty

Let’s move further to discuss several concerns regarding nose shape and the way Rhinoplasty can resolve them with success.

1. Nose having prominent hump or nose-bridge bump

The humps in the nose can detract the attention from the rest of the face. People feel discomfort as the condition draws attention to their face and hence wish to reduce the hump in the nose. While some patients prefer to eliminate the hump, others only want to minimize the hump with the motive to make the bridge of the nose completely straight. On the other hand, some patients prefer to keep the bridge full to maintain family features or ethnicity.

Tip: It is important to pay attention to the Rhinoplasty details used to treat nose-bridge bumps to make a well-informed decision. Consultation with your cosmetic surgeon would be advisable in this regard.

2. Crooked nose

People are likely to suffer with a crooked nose, which can be due to facial trauma during the birth process or facial injury. Some other factors contributing to a crooked nose include hereditary factors like cartilages or bone overgrowth that pulls the nose to one side. One of the most difficult cosmetic flaws to treat, it leads to a highly noticeable asymmetry. An experienced plastic surgeon can effectively correct the crooked nose, by resetting the nasal bones through osteotomies.

Tip: It is crucial to pay attention to the instructions of the Rhinoplasty surgeon for treating a crooked nose, as it requires strict care and after-surgery attention.

3. Pointy nose as compared to the normal one

The excess or septum cartilage at the nose tip can cause a pointy nose as compared to the normal nose. This long-term effect of the surgery reduces the cartilage for reshaping the nose. It may cause the nose to swell for a couple of days but helps a person get rid of a pointy nose. The surgery converts the entire nose to a softer-looking tip appearance by resizing its shape and size. Hence, the overall look and shape of the nose change considerably after undergoing Rhinoplasty for the pointy nose.

Tip: The Rhinoplasty recovery to treat pointy nose is quick, and a person can regain a normal schedule in only a few days.

4. Big or long nose

Many people complain of unwanted attention or bullying when they have a too big or long nose. It further detracts one from the other facial features. Hence, people prefer Rhinoplasty, a complex procedure to get away with the big or long nose. The professional surgeons offer a reduction in the nasal tip followed by creating a small and short nose. The surgeons follow a highly advanced nose reshaping technique for shortening the nose.

Tip: Rhinoplasty can help people gain a small nose that complements the entire face and have a balanced facial profile. Hence, the front view of the nose matches the other facial features.

5. Large bulbous nose tip

The lower lateral cartilages of the nose lead to the rounded or large bulbous tip of the nose. It causes overly wide or disproportionate nose looks, which may disturb many people. The Rhinoplasty procedure can prove helpful to reshape the lower lateral cartilage of the nose and hence to correct the bulbous tip.

Tip: Rhinoplasty for the large bulbous tip of the nose helps create a soft and triangular-looking nose.

6. Wide or flat nose

Widely found in Hispanic, African, and Asian ethnicities, this nose shape has a wide side or flat shape across the bridge. The dedicated Asian Rhinoplasty surgery helps to

  • Correct the nose's width
  • Refines the nose's base and
  • Adjusts the tip of the nose

Further, bridge implants are instrumental in carrying out the specialized Augmentation Rhinoplasty used to create a wide or flat nose. After the completion of this surgery, the person gets an altered facial appearance and improved nose contours.

Tip: You must ensure to give proper time to the nose for healing which can range up to around one year. It is important to become accustomed to the new looks and love the results of treating a wide or flat nose.

Yet again, the treatment of all these concerns is possible with Rhinoplasty. Your plastic surgeon will try his best to reshape your nose to make it look aesthetic. Still, it is always wise to have realistic expectations instead of anticipating miracles from the surgery. For detailed insight into the possible results, and after care make sure to abide by the suggestions of your plastic surgeon.

Rhinoplasty for your nose shape: Points to consider

After going through common nose shape concerns, considering the following points would be advisable:

Be well informed: While opting for Rhinoplasty for yourself, it is important to convince yourself completely about the procedure. Never get in any person's decisions except yours. Else, things may backfire.

Have a valid reason for the surgery: It is important to consider why you want to go for the Rhinoplasty surgery. Is your nose shape bothering you?

Have realistic expectations: It is essential to remember that every person is unique, and Rhinoplasty is a corrective measure only.

Decide wisely: You must decide on the desired nose shape well in advance, as no two shapes work the same for different persons.

Do not jump to conclusions instantly: You must give your friends and family time to adapt to your new look as they may have different opinions on your Rhinoplasty.

Your native place matters: It is important to consider the cultural and demographic concerns, as they can affect your facial looks appreciably.


Approaching an expert cosmetic surgeon would be an ideal move to get rid of your key nose shape concerns. A well-qualified and experienced nose surgeon will hold brighter chances of ensuring positive results for your nose.

If your nose has one of the concerns discussed here, you can contact a qualified surgeon with relevant experience in treating these nose types. All you need is to find a reconstructive, cosmetic, and plastic surgery specialist to make way for a fresh facial appearance.

To look out for the best surgeon at your preferred place, you can always browse through our website. We offer at your disposal, a robust database of expert cosmetic and plastic surgeons close to your desired location.

Just search for your specialty and go through the list of surgeons you get as a result. After going through their profiles, it will become easier to single out the best surgeon to resolve your nose shape concern through the treatment of Rhinoplasty.