Who Can Go for Rhinoplasty and How Can It Help?
Had you been wondering if Rhinoplasty is the solution for your nose problems? To analyze your condition and check if...
Had you been wondering if Rhinoplasty is the solution for your nose problems? To analyze your condition and check if Rhinoplasty is right for you, you should visit a plastic surgeon.
Rhinoplasty or a ‘nose job’ has many health as well as cosmetic benefits. Before considering for Rhinoplasty surgery, you would surely want to know if that is actually an option to correct the nose. So here is a guide for you to check if Rhinoplasty is the right procedure for you.
Are You a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?
Even if Rhinoplasty can solve your problems, not everyone is eligible for this surgery. Every patient of Rhinoplasty should satisfy certain conditions. If you are hoping to go for a nose job, ask the following questions to yourself.
Is Your Nose Completely Developed?
Nowadays, many teens wish to go for Rhinoplasty surgery to alter the appearance of their nose. However, teens are eligible for the surgery only when their nose has developed and reached its adult size. For girls, this generally happens around the age of 15 or 16, and for boys, it may take an extra year. If you go for Rhinoplasty before the complete formation of the nose, chances that the results of the surgery may change along with the development of the nose.
Are You a Smoker?
All cosmetic surgeries, including Rhinoplasty, have best results when the patient is a non-smoker. Patients who smoke may have complications during and after the surgery than those who do not smoke. Hence, the surgeons usually advise smokers to stop smoking for at least four to six weeks before and after the surgery to prevent any complications.
Do You Have Realistic Expectations About This Surgery?
While Rhinoplasty surgery could make significant changes to the appearance of your nose, it cannot make miracles happen. Many patients come in for Rhinoplasty hoping to get the nose of a celebrity.
It is vital to understand that Rhinoplasty can make changes to your nose so that it suits your facial features. You should have realistic expectations when going for this surgery as the surgeon can perform modifications only on the existing nose structure. He cannot bring a whole new look.
Are You a Healthy Person?
If you have medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart or lung disease, high cholesterol or any allergies to certain necessary medications, the recovery period from Rhinoplasty will be a challenging one. Those who are physically and mentally fit can have a smooth and quick recovery process after the nose job.
To Which All Problems Rhinoplasty is a Solution?
There are several reasons why a person goes for Rhinoplasty. Here are some of the common ones for which Rhinoplasty is the best cure.
1. Breathing Difficulties
Though people consider Rhinoplasty as a cosmetic procedure, surgeons also perform it for medical reasons. Some may have issues with breathing properly due to a deviated septum. In this condition, the nasal pathway is asymmetric, which blocks the passage of air to and from the nose. Such patients will have severe breathing problems that could lead to heavy snoring and sinus infections.
Septoplasty, which is a component of Rhinoplasty, can treat patients suffering from sinusitis. This procedure will help to clear up the nasal pathways and normalize the patient’s breathing. Some may ask for a combination of Septoplasty and the physical changes of Rhinoplasty in a single procedure to avoid the two separate recovery periods.
2. Disproportionate Nose
Some may have noses that are too large or too small when compared to their entire facial structure. This could bring unwanted attention to the nose and may spoil the symmetry of the face. Rhinoplasty can fix any such nose to make it natural and in symmetry with the other features of the face. The surgeons usually shave the bone and sculpt the cartilage of a large nose. They will use tissue grafting techniques to increase the size of a small nose.
3. Crooked Nose due to Accidents
There are high chances of getting the nose hurt during an accident. It could result in damaging the facial structure, sometimes resulting in a crooked nose. A crooked nose is abnormally shaped, asymmetrical with the rest of the facial features and looks completely unnatural. Rhinoplasty can correct a crooked nose by performing a combination of surgeries that aimed at redesigning the nose structure, managing to fix the symmetry and the nose shape in the way it looked before.
4. Too Wide or Too Narrow Nostrils
While you give high importance to the nose structure, the size of the nostrils also has a significant influence over your appearance. The surgeon can correct a nostril that is too wide or too narrow by reshaping the nose structure, the tip of the nose and adjusting the cartilages. The surgeon will perform the nose job to correct the nostril size by different maneuvers.
5. Bumpy Nose
Commonly found in many, this condition is one of the requisite conditions for Rhinoplasty. The bone may protrude out from the top of the nose giving the image of a bumpy nose. A surgeon can correct this easily by shaving off the top of the bone for a smooth and even nose surface.
6. Blunt Nose Tip
It is usual for people to have a sharp nose that converges at its tip but not many are gifted to be born that way. Sharpening the tip of the nose is a simple Rhinoplasty procedure that involves shaping the bone structure and the cartilages at the tip.
To get the expected results, it is essential to have an honest and open conversation with the surgeon. Try to be as visual as you can in explaining about how you envision your nose after the surgery. A software simulation followed by discussion on the final result would be ideal.
Keep practical expectations, have an open mind and possess a clear view of what you want. Be sure to communicate your concerns to the surgeon and get the answers you want. It is best to go for the surgery only when you are confident.
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