These Facelift Surgery Details are Worth Knowing
Rhytidectomy or facelift has been quite popular for a few years now. People are shedding their prejudices about this cosmetic...
Rhytidectomy or facelift has been quite popular for a few years now. People are shedding their prejudices about this cosmetic surgery procedure at a fast pace and opting for it in large numbers. Their sole motive behind opting for a facelift is to attain a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance and the surgery does not disappoint them either.
Nevertheless, it is imperative to research about certain things associated with this procedure before considering it. Indeed, the surgery will be a life-changing one for you but you make sure that it affects your life positively.
How does facelift surgery improve your aesthetic features?
As you grow old, your facial looks and shape also undergo notable change. The growing age makes the skin loose, which ceases to tighten back despite several non-invasive efforts. Several areas around your face get devoid of fat and several other locations witness an appreciable fat increment.
These uneven changes altogether give your face an unappealing appearance that you will not like to flaunt before the world. While some do not mind adjusting to these uninvited changes, others decide to resist them. As follow-up practices, they adopt several non-surgical methods like dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing, fat injections, and more.
The results of these methods last for a few months to several years, but they remain far behind the surgical treatments in ensuring permanent and ever-lasting results. This is where a Rhytidectomy makes the difference. Here are several age-concerned aspects that a facelift surgery can take care of:
- Sagging cheeks that make you look older than your age
- Unwanted lower jawline skin that is better to get away with
- Sagging skin and unwanted fat deposited in the neck (relevant if you are also opting for a neck lift)
- Deep skin folds developed between the area, starting from your mouth and going to the sides of your nose
- Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck (if the procedure includes a neck lift)
Here, it is essential to know that a facelift surgery can indeed enhance your facial features but it is not the right treatment to part ways with fine wrinkles. Likewise, it cannot treat issues like skin damage due to sunlight exposure, creases developed around our upper lip and nose, skin color, etc. For detailed information, it would be better to consult your facelift surgeon.
Facelift surgery in brief
To perform facelift surgery, the surgeon abides by the following steps:
1. Administering anesthesia
Like in any surgical treatment, Rhytidectomy also starts by giving general anesthesia or intravenous sedation as per the suitability of the patient’s body. The doctor will suggest the best option.
2. Incision creation
Depending on the extent of facial transformation you are expecting, the surgeon will recommend a traditional facelift, restricted incision, or neck lift surgery.
Traditional facelift incision
Starts at the temple in the hairline, goes through the ear, and concludes in the lower scalp. The procedure requires the surgeon to:
- Redistribute or sculpt the neck, jowls, and face
- Reposition the underlying tissues
- Lift the inner facial and muscular layers
- Redrape the skin across the uplifted contours; and
- Trim the unwanted skin
To get rid of the aging neck and improve its appearance, the doctor may also create a second incision below the chin.
Limited facelift incision
It intends to create comparably shorter incisions, starting from the temple, and traversing through the ear. A part of “Mini-lifts”, this incision is ripe for patients having a lower degree of skin relaxation due to less satisfying results as compared to a full facelift.
Neck Lift
The incision for a neck lift starts from the front of the ear lobe, covers the back of the ear, and goes up to the rear portion of the scalp, behind the ear. This lift helps to remove the fat accumulated under the chin, tighten the loose skin of the neck, and correct the sagging jowls.
3. Incision closure
Closing the incising will require skin adhesives or sutures. Mostly, the sutures will dissolve on their own. If not, the surgeon will remove them after a few days of the surgery. After the recovery, the incision lines will remain hidden underneath the hairline and behind the natural contours of the face.
4. Observe the results
You will start noticing the outcome of facelift surgery after side effects like bruising or swelling subside. Eventually, you will attain a more youthful, rejuvenated, and confident appearance. Nevertheless, you must have realistic expectations with the surgery.
Facts about Facelift
A transformative cosmetic procedure, Facelift surgery intends to fight against the signs of aging and reinstate youthful appearance. Here are some noteworthy facts that will help you get a deeper understanding of this treatment
1. The evolving trends
This specific cosmetic surgery has witnessed a distinctive uproar in the past few years. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) data, the number of facelift surgeries has increased by 2% from the year 2020 to 2021. One prominent reason the same might be the acceptance of society towards these practices. The desire to drive away the sagging skin and wrinkles is making more and more people opt for it. No wonder, it is becoming one of the top choices.
2. Personalized Aesthetics
The surgery is not “one-for-all”. It takes significant effort and time for the surgeon to come up with a tailored plan that will suit the customer’s needs and concerns. The skin type, facial anatomy, etc., also have a major say in the evolution of the plan. You may opt for various types of techniques such as traditional full lift, lower facelift, and mini facelift among others. Each one of them suits different types of individuals with different concerns.
3. Recovery Time
Contrary to the rumors, the recovery time from a facelift surgery has significantly reduced; all thanks to modern techniques and methods. Most of the patients, barring some exceptions return to their chores within a time of two weeks. The advanced techniques even help in reducing post-operative discomfort and pain. This has helped many people with busy schedules to get the surgery without hesitating anymore.
4. Consultation is Mandatory
Before you decide on a facelift surgery, it is essential to consult a certified plastic surgeon. The expert will assess your specific needs, clarify the process in detail, and assist you in making better decisions. The surgeon will also highlight the importance of careful surgical techniques and artistic vision in inflicting an overwhelming change on your face.
5. Natural-Looking Results
There is always an underlying fear among the customers about an unnatural appearance after the surgery takes place. However, those days are over now. Surgeons nowadays are extremely skilled in giving a natural-looking result instead of overdoing it. This will enhance the facial features without leaving behind telltale signs of surgery. If done with precision, modern facelift procedures create results that are subtle, elegant, and harmonious with the patient's facial structure.
6. Long Lasting Benefits
Non-surgical treatments like dermal fillers and Botox might offer you temporary results of improvement but their results will be ephemeral. Just the opposite, the outcomes of facelift surgery will last for over a decade. Seeking long-term results is much more doable as compared to temporary ones. According to a report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), people who opted for facelift surgery ended up with a higher degree of satisfaction as compared to those who opted for temporary fillers.
7. More Facts
Apart from the above-mentioned details, here are some facts to consider before you decide to go for a facelift surgery:
- Go by your set budget and research to find the best surgeon available for you at that price.
- Like in the case of any other surgery, be careful enough when it involves the face or any body part. Beware of frauds and faulty practices that promise you the moon but ultimately compel you to go for revisional surgery.
- Taking recommendations from other patients who have undergone facelift surgery will help you get an idea regarding the basics of the procedures as well. This will help prepare you mentally for the procedure.
Wrapping up!
Facelift surgery is a powerful tool for those who want to enhance their looks and build up their self-confidence. Taking care of several important points about the surgery would be crucial before you go for it.
Do consult a certified and reputed plastic surgeon who has years of experience in the domain of plastic surgery, specifically facelifts. The expert will provide you with much-needed personalized guidance. Take your time and look for the approach that will work best for your cause.
To help you in this endeavor, feel free to visit our website. Through our robust database, you can look out for a facelift surgeon in your preferred place and fix an appointment for direct consultation.
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