Important Steps to Prepare for Body Lift Surgery
Having a fit and toned body is the dream of many. Going through fat removal surgeries looks meaningless when the...
Having a fit and toned body is the dream of many. Going through fat removal surgeries looks meaningless when the excessively sagging skin starts getting in the way of a contoured body. Hence, many people prefer the body lift after liposuction surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 46,500 patients underwent different body contouring surgeries after massive weight loss in 2020. Here is a detailed overview of this body contouring surgery followed by the quick steps for its preparation at different stages. Hope it will help to make up your decision for the treatment.
Body lift- An overview
This dedicated procedure works actively in enhancing the appearance of the body with excess skin and fat. Surgeons perform it usually on the abdominal area, hips, thighs, etc., as per the requirement of the concerned patient. It can fix any irregularity or abnormality of the skin surface. Moreover, the procedure also aims to improve skin elasticity and avert the effects of genetic factors, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or sun exposure injuries.
People prefer undergoing it to regain their toned body, but here it is important to know that body lift is not a weight loss or slimming treatment, but a body contouring procedure. A full body lift, which combines a thigh lift, tummy tuck and buttock lift, can be effective in eliminating as high as 20 pounds of a person having an excessive amount of unwanted skin after shedding off a significant body weight.
Body lift – The procedure in brief
An expert board certified surgeon performs the body lift surgery under intravenous injection or general anesthesia based on the type of operation. It starts with the necessary incision making in the patient’s limbs (lower torso or upper torso), followed by the removal of the excess fat and sagging skin, and suturing the incisions properly. The patient can return home in a few hours after undergoing the treatment. This is the basic process of body lift surgery, performed in different steps based on the patient’s condition and requirements. Yet again, selecting only the registered medical services for the body lift surgery is highly advisable for the best outcomes.
Who is an ideal candidate for Body Lift?
Before jumping on to know the detailed tips to prepare for body lift surgery, it is essential to check the critical requirements for the patient to go ahead with it. Following are the key points to make a patient fit or unfit for the body lift surgery:
- People who successfully keep their weight steady for one year can continue this process
- People with extra soft issues in one or more body parts can make themselves look good with a body lift
- People who are healthy and not using any particular medications affect the healing process or associated risks
- People who don’t consume alcoholic beverages or smoke.
- People who take proper care of their physical activity and adequate nutrition.
- People who have realistic goals about body lift surgery.
- Women not planning for pregnancy in the near future may affect the overall results of the surgery.
Preparing for a body lift before few days of the surgery
Plastic surgeons specializing in the body lift procedure may give a specific date to the patient. It is because body lift is a complex procedure requiring detailed preparation. The quick tips to prepare for a body lift a few days before the surgery are as follows:
- Patients should share their previous medical history or medical records with the surgeon for detailed review before the surgery.
- Getting all the tests or scans done well before the surgery is even better.
- Patients may need to avoid smoking for a few weeks before the scheduled body lift surgery as per the surgeon’s recommendations.
- It is necessary to make a detailed list of all the medications and supplements taken by the patient. After having a look at it, the surgeon could make the necessary changes.
- It is essential to have a stress-free recovery time; hence, patients must complete all the urgent tasks days before the scheduled body lift surgery.
- After the body lift surgery, patients can arrange a smooth recovery by consulting the recovery experts.
Preparing for a body lift a day before the surgery
A day before the surgery is crucial for the patients and calls for special attention. Below are the simple tips to follow a day before the body lift surgery:
- It is advisable not to drink any alcoholic beverage for at least 48 hours before the body lifts surgery.
- Patients must avoid wearing contact lenses, perfume, nail paint, body piercings, makeup, or jewelry on the day of the surgery.
- Diabetic patients must check their vital parameters on the morning of the surgery.
- Patients should take complete rest the day before surgery and sleep properly at night.
- If the patients headed for the body lift surgery are on the essential medications, they should postpone them until further recommendation by their surgeon.
- Drinking or eating anything at least eight hours before the surgery is better to avoid.
- It is best to wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothes while going for surgery. The top with buttons in the front is the best if the upper body lift is required.
- Don’t forget to take the necessary medicines if advised to the patient a day before the surgery.
- Try to keep the patient calm and composed to avoid surgery anxiety.
- Once again, go through the written instructions provided by the surgeon to make the patient aware of all the procedures and preparations.
Quick points for preparing for recovery after body lift
A piece of smooth recovery advice for patients who have successfully gone through the body lift surgery includes as below:
- Arrange for the compression garments for comfortable wearing for up to a month after the surgery.
- It is good to plan for at least two weeks off work.
- Make a stock of the necessary medications required in post-recovery to avoid any last-minute hurry.
- Follow the detailed instructions of the surgeon to recover properly and quickly.
Side effects of Body Lift
Preparing well for the body lift could help you to go for the treatment without facing any major hassle. The choice of surgeon holds the key toward ensuring a flawless treatment. Still, there may arise certain side effects because of the surgery depending on the tendency of your body to bear the consequences.
Here are some of the probable side effects that may affect you after undergoing body lift.
- Pain and discomfort in the first few days after the surgery
- Swelling, bruising and pain can last up to three weeks
- Fluid accumulation around the treatment areas, which necessitate the use of drainage tubes post body contouring
- Tingling sensation and numbness can persist around the incision sites till a few weeks
- Noticeable scars, especially in the first week of the surgery.
As a positive sign, most of these adverse effects get subdued on their own with time, so you do not need to worry about them. In case of any severe side effect that ceases to conclude, prompt medical intervention becomes inevitable.
Looking for the best Body Lift surgeon
Approaching an experienced, qualified and board certified surgeon would further enhance the chances of a successful body lift treatment. People often choose a clinic offering cheaper cost of the surgery through a less qualified doctor. At times, such a decision backfires in terms of adverse results, hence necessitating the need for a revised surgery. This ultimately costs even more and tempts the patients to bear additional hassles on their body over the time.
With a seasoned surgeon, chances of a thriving surgery increases to manifolds. Hence, it is always good to approach only the most qualified surgeon with years of experience under his belt regarding the concerned body lift surgery. If you are facing problems in looking out for any such expert, you can always visit our official website and search for a body lift surgeon in your preferred location. Once you single out a feasible surgeon, you can fix an appointment with him or her and go on to consult all the details regarding the procedure.
He will be the best person to suggest the steps to preparation before the procedure and care after the procedure. You can also consult with him about the cost of the surgery, side effects and the realistic expectations. Before going under the knife, you should be aware of all the necessary facts about the body lift, just to make you at ease.
Wrapping Up
Hope everything is clear in your mind regarding preparation for body lift surgery. Professional plastic surgeons carry out this innovative surgery on thighs, hips, and abdominal areas. It works amazingly with liposuction for patients having low skin elasticity. Abiding by the important points about preparation for body lift as mentioned here would prove helpful in ensuring complete satisfaction before going under the knife. It will also make way for extra care of your body, followed by regular medications, balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle to make this body contouring surgery successful.
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