Top 7 Reasons for Women to Undergo Breast Augmentation
While the females do not mind going to any extent to flaunt a flawless look, their attention to curves is...
While the females do not mind going to any extent to flaunt a flawless look, their attention to curves is quite evident. Indeed, breasts have been the best organs to sum up the beauty of women since the time immemorial. They love admiring and flaunting their breasts. But what about those who have comparably smaller boobs? For all such women, breast augmentation surgery could be one of the desirable options.
If you too were among those females wishing to have fuller and rounder breasts, visiting an experienced plastic surgeon would be an advisable move. After examining your body, your surgeon will help you to know if you are an ideal candidate for the treatment.
The expert will also clear the doubts, apprehensions, and myths you have regarding the surgery and the associated cost. Here is more on this treatment, followed by the reasons for which the women of today prefer undergoing the breast augmentation surgery from a board certified surgeon.
More about Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation has become quite popular of late. It is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries women are opting for. Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, this surgical process aims to increase the size of the breasts. It gives them a good body shape and makes their breasts look fuller. This prosthesis changes the entire look of the breasts with the help of a silicone shell filled with saline salt water or silicone gel.
Silicone Breasts vs. Saline Salt Water Implants
The surgeons usually opt for two basic breast implants - silicone implants and saline saltwater implants. In case of saline breasts, the ruptures are easily detectable but the same does not hold for the latter implants.
To elaborate further, the easily detectable saltwater implants generally look rounder and harder than usual, making it obvious that they are not real but implants. Just the opposite, silicone breast implants look much more natural and you can opt to customize them as per your wish.
Who needs Breast Augmentation?
Although breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries, these surgeries occur for a reason. You will not want to get breast implantation if you do not need it. Right? Undergoing breast augmentation is preferable for women who do not have symmetrical breasts or have undergone breast tissue loss. Sudden weight loss or pregnancy may also be a reason for the breasts to shrink. In such cases, going for breast augmentation is quite natural for women since it affects the size and shape of the breasts and might create an imbalance in the body compared to the other body parts.
Reasons to opt for Breast Augmentation
There can be many reasons behind the women opting for breast augmentation surgery. Here are the prominent ones to help you make the right decision.
1. Adds Curves and Volumes
Some women have naturally small breasts. This might not go well with the physique and personality of the individual. Through breast augmentation, you can add curves and volume to the breasts, making them look fuller and better. The best part about breast augmentation is that you can adjust the breast size per your needs and desires.
2. Makes Asymmetrical breasts Equal
Both breasts are never equal for any woman. One breast is smaller than the other. However, does that mean that all women go for breast augmentation? No. For a few women the difference in the breast size of the two breasts is noticeable. This is often embarrassing, especially when you go to buy bras or bathing suits. A breast augmentation will help you get rid of the asymmetrical breasts. You can get even-sized breasts in great shape.
3. Relief from Sagging Breasts
Sagging breasts can be extremely embarrassing. However, it can happen because of various reasons like aging or post-pregnancy. After breastfeeding your baby, you may seem to notice the breasts sag and shrink. This problem is common among the older women as well. In such cases, breast augmentation can be helpful.
4. Increased Self-Confidence
For women, good-shaped and proper-sized breasts help to elevate their confidence. Women with smaller breasts often do not feel confident about how they look. They often feel that they are not desirable, which lowers their confidence and self-esteem. By acquiring bigger, better, and fuller breasts through breast augmentation can help them to regain their confidence level.
5. Breast Restoration
Breast cancer can cause one to lose the breasts. Being breastless not only makes a person look odd but also makes her feel down. Women often lose breasts after a mastectomy. In such a scenario, going in for breast restoration is the best solution, where the surgeons use body tissues to perform the surgery. They also often use silicone or saline salt water for the purpose. Undergoing breast restoration treatment after a cancer-like situation will make you feel like yourself.
6. You can Wear Anything You Want
Being able to wear anything you want is one of the happiest feelings ever. In the case of women with small breasts, the clothes they wear often do not fit them well on the upper part. Their dresses are generally loose and unattractive. However, the size of the breasts increases when you go for a breast augmentation. Fuller breasts allow you to wear anything you want with confidence.
7. Youthful Feel
Seeing the breasts sag can be extremely troublesome for a woman. It is like a constant reminder about her age. This problem can vanish if you go through breast augmentation. Your breasts will feel completely different after the surgery, and you will feel as if you have gained back your youth in a way that you will never lose again. This is a different level of positivity altogether.
8. Because your spouse wants bigger breasts
One prominent reason behind deciding for breast augmentation could be the wish of your spouse. In several instances, women admit that their sole reason to go under the knife is to cheer their husband or boyfriend. If the surgery could rekindle the spark of love between two parched souls then there is no reason to drop the idea. You two can talk to each other to discuss if you really want the surgery or if the things could be fine even without it.
What is your decision?
All these reasons altogether or standalone are good enough to motivate you to opt for the breast augmentation surgery. As per our suggestion, you can always go for it if you just cannot do without it. For example if having a voluptuous and appealing body can help to accelerate your acting or modeling career, or if you are desperate to boost your confidence that has been down due to small breasts, etc.
However, if it is avoidable and your life is going well with average or small boobs, you may opt out of going under the knife. In addition, if you are a breastfeeding mother, pregnant or planning to be a mom, this surgery is not for you, at least for a certain time.
Have you selected the best cosmetic surgeon?
It is important to be vigilant while selecting the right plastic surgeon. You might feel apprehensive about the treatment due to the cost involved. Nevertheless, make sure not to fall prey to the clinics that claim to do the breast augmentation at comparably much slashed rates. Chances are brighter that they will end up running your body, thereby compelling you to go for a recovery surgery that will cost you even dearer.
To single out the best surgeon you can go through the past and present photos of his previous patients. Going through the reviews and testimonials online could also be a feasible idea. Even better would be to contact the patients of your preferred surgeon directly and enquire with them about the surgeon. Among the main pointers, you may ask about:
- The expertise level of the surgeon
- The way of interaction of the surgeon and his/her staff with the patients
- The facilities provided by his clinic,
- The status of tools and techniques used to perform the surgery
- The expenses met to undergo the treatment
As you satisfy yourself with the right answers to these queries, you can go on to opt for the surgery from the best surgeon to add an aesthetic appeal to your personality.
Every part of the human body is unique and adds up to the appearance of a person, and this is no hidden fact. To make the body look attractive, all the body parts must be symmetrical with a definite shape and size.
While the wish to look perfect with the desired color, shape, size, weight, etc. is ubiquitous, the extent of this coveted wish is much higher among the women for obvious reasons. Naturally, the foremost parts they focus on are the breasts. But in case, if they are having tiny boobs, they can always embrace the option to undergo breast augmentation.
If men could wish for the perfect biceps and triceps, why can’t a woman aspire for a perfect pair of breasts? Wanting a perfect pair of breasts is not abnormal at all. There is no harm in it either. Even technology has advanced in the present age; thus, the process has become better.
Therefore, if you think you want breast augmentation, nothing should stop you. Just make sure to approach the breast cosmetic surgeon around. As for the cost considerations, you should consult your surgeon about it. He is perhaps the best person to inform you about every aspect of the surgery including that of the involved finances.
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