Results to Expect from Gynecomastia Surgery
Gynecomastia is a condition that enlarges the male breasts more than the usual size. Also termed as “man boobs”, it...
Gynecomastia is a condition that enlarges the male breasts more than the usual size. Also termed as “man boobs”, it usually starts when a person is going through adolescence due to the effects of his hormonal change. Specifically, an imbalance in the testosterone and estrogen hormones leads to a significant rise in the quantity of breast gland tissues among boys or men. It can occur in a single or both breasts but in some cases, they may appear, i.e., one of them may seem larger than the other.
To remedy this male specific ailment, plastic surgeons recommend Gynecomastia surgery. Often termed as reduction mammoplasty or male breast reduction surgery, this method aims at reducing the enlarged male breasts to the extent that they may appear normal. At times, man boobs can cause drooping breasts, which necessitate the need for breast lift.
More on Gynecomastia surgery
This effective surgery decreases the volume of breast tissues and re-contours the chest for masculine appearance. In this procedure, the surgeon removes the excess skin and tightens the chest skin for a smooth look.
Usually, this situation settles on its own in a year or two but if it does not, it becomes a permanent disorder called Gynecomastia. This situation doesn't cause any harm to the body but does affect a person's self-esteem. It can be onerous and humiliating for the males and can be a cause of leg pulling from their peers. It can also prove to be a hindrance in their amorous relationships. This is the reason why a lot of men undergo this surgery.
If you are fortunate enough, the problem of gynecomastia may find its resolution on its own. In case it persists, the surgeons will recommend opting for any of these surgery options to fix the male breast condition.
Liposuction: Involves removing the breast fat instead of the breast gland tissue.
Mastectomy / Excision: Requires removing the breast gland tissue itself via a less invasive procedure
The treatment can help you regain your shape appreciably. But keep in mind to opt for a reputed clinic and an experienced plastic surgeon for favorable results.
Causes of Gynecomastia
The main cause of Gynecomastia is sex hormone imbalance i.e. testosterone and estrogen. Men having estrogen at a higher level as compared to testosterone causes growth of breast tissue. Some of the other causes are exploitation of alcoholic beverages or drugs, infections, being overweight etc. All these factors play a huge role in increasing the levels of estrogen in your body.
What about the symptoms?
Often, most of the adults having gynecomastia have no symptoms at all. But, if you are experiencing any of the below problems, chances are brighter that you have gynecomastia:
- Swollen tissues around the breast
- Softness in the breast
- Pain in and around the breast
- High sensitivity if nipples when rubbed against the clothes
In any such situation, visiting a doctor becomes necessary. He may suggest you undergo gynecomastia surgery. You may also opt not to go for the treatment, as it does not pose any severe threat for your overall health and wellbeing. On second thoughts, if you are finding it daunting to cope up with the embarrassing situations emerging due to big man boobs or are feeling unbearable pain, surgery would be the last resort.
After effects of Gynecomastia
Now that you know that Gynecomastia is treatable, let us see what results you can derive once the surgery takes place:
Surgery Scars
If done by the expert cosmetic surgeons, the treatment will leave minimal scars. Other minute scars may slowly heal around 2-3 weeks. The complete result of Gynecomastia surgery will take about 3-6 months to accomplish. The incision lines will continue to fade over time and remain concealed in the natural skin color.
Role of Massage
While you are still in the recovering stage, the tissue and scars are comparatively soft. Giving a pliable massage with your hands or a rolling device would prove to be beneficial. Continue doing massage for about 8 weeks after the surgery, or as per recommended by your surgeon. This will help your body to lay out evenly. To be more precise, massaging is important after undergoing Gynecomastia surgery.
Better Posture
Your mental health will start exhibiting positive results of recovery as you let go of the ‘gyno-hunch’, subconsciously developed because of a lack of confidence. This will help you to lead a mentally healthy life in the coming days.
The feeling of nausea is usually common in patients after surgery. Some pain medications and tablets are the cause of such nausea. So, it is better to eat something before taking the medicines.
Adequate liquid intake to keep you hydrated
Proper hydration helps you to recover quickly from the surgery period. It is always better to drink water at appropriate intervals and keep yourself hydrated.
Light activity of any kind
Doing lightweight exercises and progressing slowly will help you move forward with the recovery. Doing too many cardio exercises may complicate the situation more than you think it will, so better avoid it.
Regular appointments
You will need to attend any follow-up appointment scheduled by your surgeon to keep a track of your recovery and to know if it is happening the right way.
Freshen up
It is better to avoid bathing in the initial stage of the surgery. If necessary, take a sponge bath and avoid wetting the bandages. On the next visit to the doctor when your bandages come off, you may take a bath. It is fine matter if the incisions get wet, but make sure to take the bath carefully.
You have bright chances of having a chiseled and better-contoured build after the post-surgical swelling abates. It will become noticeable after a few months of the surgery if you take necessary precautions and abide by the provided instructions diligently.
Post surgery Precautions
Once done with the surgery, your doctor will recommend you to take several important precautions, at least till the few months after the surgery. Here is a quick round up.
Limited exposure to sunlight: Avoiding the sun for at least the first 3 months of the surgery would be the best as direct exposure may complicate the incision area.
No smoking: It is always better to avoid smoking and this surgery makes it even more necessary to quit this habit.
Appropriate water intake: Drinking a lot of liquid in the recovery period will be good for your health.
Take rest: After the surgery, it is always better if you rest and avoid any rigorous activity like lifting heavy weights or children or getting involved in any sexual activity.
No shower: Avoid showering for the first 24 hours, as the bandage should not get wet. If necessary take sponge baths.
How can we help?
The gynecomastia treatment will exhibit permanent results as long as you are able to keep your body weight stable and avoid the intake of any drugs, alcohol, or medicine that causes your hormonal level to change. If you are planning to undergo this surgery, you can search for the best surgeon for gynecomastia right on our website.
With a robust database of experienced and board certified plastic and cosmetic surgeons, we are among the pioneers in the healthcare industry to help the needful patients meet their preferred doctors. The best thing is that you can get an experienced surgeon right in the location you want. So if you feel like getting rid of your male breasts but don’t know how to, just browse through our website. We will be happy to help you in case you need our assistance.
The condition of gynecomastia can lower your self-esteem and at times, may make you a laughing stock. Opting for gynecomastia surgery would be ideal to avoid this situation. However, prior to going under the knife, abiding by the instructions of the surgeon would be advisable. In addition, you should also be aware of all the pros and cons of the surgery before making up your mind for the treatment. And did we tell you the importance of approaching the best cosmetic surgeon for the procedure?
All this will help you to go through the process with ease and avoid any unnecessary complications during the period. The gynecomastia surgery is likely to end with a positive result. Moreover, an expert surgeon will enhance the chances of getting near expected results even further. So, there is no need to worry about it at all. Clicking through our website will help you to look out for the best surgeon to adhere to your cause, in your preferred location.
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