Blog / Surgical vs Non-Surgical Fat Reduction: Which One to Choose?

Surgical vs Non-Surgical Fat Reduction: Which One to Choose?

Surgical vs Non-Surgical Fat Reduction: Which One to Choose?

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Attaining a well-toned and slim figure is a coveted wish of many. No doubt, a slim figure looks beautiful but...

Attaining a well-toned and slim figure is a coveted wish of many. No doubt, a slim figure looks beautiful but it is equally daunting to achieve if it is not natural. Only a few blessed people in the world can acquire a great figure without giving much effort to it. But remember the ratio is only 1% among 1000 people.

The other 99% of people keep trying several efforts to enhance their appearance. Notably, fat reduction methods are among the prominent ones in this regard. We will talk more about these widely popular treatments. First, let’s find out the reason behind unwanted fat in our bodies.

Why do we gain fat?

Fat gain is usually due to the imbalance of the calories we consume. If you are eating well, it is equally essential to burn the calories well. The human body system converts the excess calories, which come from protein, carbohydrates, or fat, into fat and stores them in some stubborn parts. Therefore, to realize the real magic in the form of an appealing figure, you have to eat less, exercise more, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  

However, many people aspiring to have a great figure are somehow unable to do so. Often, while many of them don’t have the time, others lag in the eagerness to put effort into getting a good figure. All these aspirants prefer opting for various surgical or non-surgical procedures. Methods like liposuction and coolsculpting methods are popular in this regard. Let us know about them in detail.

Liposuction – A brief intro

Liposuction is a procedure to remove excess fat. Introduced in 1980, it is a popular method to attain a toned body. Usually, celebrities, models, or high-profile figures prefer to undergo this treatment to look more appealing in society.

Nevertheless, commoners are equally likely to opt for a liposuction procedure to quench their quest to flaunt an enhanced appearance. It is effective at removing excess fat from the arms, legs, face, and neck. People often opt for it to eliminate fat from the abdomen and thigh fats as well.

The Liposuction Procedure

The method of Liposuction involves removing excess fat through a small and hollow tube called a cannula, which emits ultrasound waves. This vibration creates air bubbles in the tumescent fluid, which eventually helps to dislodge the fat. The cannula then vacuums out the fat, enabling you to have a sculpted body.

After the successful completion of the fat removal process, the doctor will close the incisions. This procedure leads to a permanent reduction in the level of fat cells in the treated area. Due to the surgical nature of this procedure, people mostly feel reluctant to opt for it. Non-surgical fat removal is a comparably better option for such people.

CoolSculpting - A non-surgical fat removal method

People who don’t want to undergo surgery due to the possibility of intense pain, incisions, or scars, may opt for CoolSculpting, a popular noninvasive fat reduction procedure.

The CoolSculpting Procedure

The method of CoolSculpting or Cryolipolysis aims at fat freezing, to induce the death of fat cells. Since fat freezes at a higher temperature than skin, surrounding tissues remain unharmed. The process removes the destroyed cells from the body through the liver as waste after a few days or weeks. For optimum results, the doctors advise their patients to undergo multiple CoolScuplting sessions. However, to know the results or experience the change, you have to wait for months.  

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure where there’s no cut, stitch, or anesthesia. Patients opting for this method do not have to bear post-operative wounds or infection, which could be a recognized risk of surgery. Cryolipolysis removes fat cells from the treated areas permanently by freezing them. These crystallized cells cease to regenerate, hence leading to permanent or long-lasting outcomes. Several clinical studies have testified to the efficacy of this method and its multiple benefits.

Limitations of CoolSculpting

Here, it is essential to note that this fat-freezing method does not eliminate all fat cells from the treated location. The cells that remain in the coolsculpted area can expand and gain weight. This expansion of the remaining fat cells could negate treatment results, bringing the non-surgical method to a standstill.

To retain the results, maintaining body weight after the treatment becomes inevitable. Healthy eating habits, drinking ample water, and doing regular workouts are among some of the preferred practices to keep the body weight within permissible limits. This will also prevent the treatment area from expanding.

Liposuction vs. Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Whether you adopt a surgical or a non-surgical method for fat reduction, both have their respective aspects. Here is a quick look.

The goal behind the treatment

Analyze your expectations. If you desire immediate and significant fat reduction, surgical procedures will be more suitable. Non-surgical methods are ideal for those looking for small improvements or do not want to undergo surgery.


Liposuction is a more aggressive method of fat reduction and creates trauma. Patients experience soreness, bruising, and swelling for up to 10 -15 days after the procedure. Non-surgical treatments like CoolSculpting are typically gentle with minimum discomfort, both during and after the procedure.

Treatment duration

A session of Liposuction takes around 60-90 minutes to complete. The non-surgical counterpart is comparably much faster, as the treatment takes just 25-60 minutes to complete.


Liposuction results are visible after the swelling goes down and the treated area heals. Usually, the final result is visible after 6 months of the treatment. You can see 70-80% fat reduction in liposuction. Just the opposite, a maximum of 20 to 25% fat loss occurs in non-surgical treatment. You have to wait long to see results from noninvasive fat reduction treatments. Hence, when comparing both treatments, the surgical method holds the upper hand.


After liposuction, the patient should restrict daily activities for several days after the procedure. Non-surgical treatments do not require an extended healing period and patients can return to normal activities immediately. One can however expect slight soreness and swelling.


Liposuction is more expensive than non-surgical treatments for obvious reasons. The results, experienced doctors involved and the technology used make the surgery procedure expensive. The costs may range from 5 figures to 6 figures for one session depending upon various factors.

The non-surgical treatment on the other hand does not require the intervention of a qualified surgeon. A trained and experienced technician can perform this treatment under the guidance of a qualified physician to ensure the long-term effectiveness of treatment. Since this method does not involve any surgery, the cost is less than the surgical treatment.  

Analyzing the best treatment for you

Liposuction is a suitable option if you wish to reduce larger deposits of excess fat. It can significantly improve your figure in several areas in one go. Though it may cost a fortune, it will lead to more permanent results than non-invasive techniques. The possibility of complications is however hard to sideline.

If you are not obese and just want to remove only a small portion of fat - Non-surgical fat reduction can be a better option for you. However, the results are minimal and require multiple sessions.

Here are some of the vital factors to consider when deciding to go for a liposuction treatment:

  • The choice of doctor or the professional who will treat you
  • Whether your body is in the best condition to undergo surgery
  • Your other organs – like the heart and the lungs are perfect
  • You can undergo the process of anesthesia comfortably
  • The cost of the surgery will always remain an important factor
  • Analyze the side effects and risks of both methods

Whether the results are worth the money that you will spend on the treatment


Be aware that liposuction is a fat removal treatment and not a method to treat weight loss. If you cannot follow the traditional means of doing exercise and following a proper diet and still want a better structure, you have to undergo one of the treatments.

Whether you undergo liposuction or CoolSculpting, there may be side effects of the procedures. Maintaining the results hence holds high significance. In case you fail to restrict your body weight within the permissible limit, the treatment can backfire in the form of uneven fat expansion in the locations surrounding the treated area.

Especially, in the case of Cryolipolysis, the fat cells that remain may enlarge, giving an unappealing appearance to your body. Healthy eating habits, keeping yourself hydrated, and doing exercises could help you to avert the fat cells to expand and cause unwanted situations.

Always remember, you are beautiful the way you are, but a little help never hurts anyone.