Reducing the Breast Augmentation Scars: 10 Vital Tips
Like any other surgery, breast implantation or augmentation also leaves scars and marks post the procedure's completion. Women usually get...
Like any other surgery, breast implantation or augmentation also leaves scars and marks post the procedure's completion. Women usually get this cosmetic treatment for breast shape restoration, breast lifting, mammary glands health improvement, and cleavage prominence.
How do the scars surface?
During the process, the cosmetic surgeon inserts an artificial implant underneath the breast muscles and mammary glands, right on the type of chest muscles.
The implant’s size usually depends on the breast shape or size you desire. Although it is quite beneficial for many women, breast augmentation comes with numerous challenges. Scars or surgery marks are one of them.
Many women usually dislike the scars left behind after the breast augmentation process is complete. While the marks usually disappear after a couple of years, their prominence for the first couple of months is undeniable. To be precise, you will observe your final scars in around 18 months after complete healing, which may appear white or light pink.
The type of breast augmentation surgery you undergo followed by the placement of incision altogether holds a major say in the kind of scar developed on your breasts. Usually, these scars are invisible as you can cover them with your undergarment, but if they persist even after 18 months of the recovery period, immediate intervention of your plastic surgeon is advisable.
Parting ways with the breast augmentation scars
Acknowledging the discomfort and uneasiness that the scars create in women, here are several prominent ways to reduce the marks and their visibility post breast implantation surgery:
1. Wearing a support bra
Usually, doctors make the incision either along the breast or underneath according to the original shape and position. When the incision is present underneath the breast, it suffers excess strain if you leave the breasts without any support after completion of the surgery.
As your breasts cover the wound, it increases the humidity and warmth, slowing the healing process and preventing the generation of new tissues. So, try to wear a post-operative bra after the surgery. Your surgeon may advise you to wear this type of support bra for around 6 months post surgery.
This is the most crucial time, as the scars tissues start acquiring their shape during this period. The strong yet soft underband of the post-operative bra will extend the support to the breasts while ensuring gentleness to the skin, hence contributing in scar reduction.
Moreover, the support bra will also keep the breasts at a particular level and prevent them from sagging. As a result, they will never put stress on the scars or slow down the healing process. In any case, make sure not to put on an underwired bra as its wires can have a bad impact on the scars due to continuous rubbing against the skin.
2. Using anti-scarring creams
Many anti-scarring creams and ointments available in the market can help to reduce the scars’ visibility after breast augmentation. You should ensure the chosen product is medically safe and won’t cause any other adverse skin reaction.
In addition, also check if the cream is compatible with your skin type or not. For instance, some ointments suit the sensitive and mixed skin types, while others work best only on oily skin.
The cream should not contain chemicals that can cause scar infection, like sulfur, phthalate, alcohol, etc. If you feel any burning sensation, immediately stop using the cream, and pay a visit to your doctor.
3. Massages post-surgery
Sometimes the healing process slows down due to restricted blood supply. For example, when you wear a very tight bra, the pressure compresses the blood vessels, preventing blood from supplying oxygen and other nutrients to the skin tissues.
Therefore, they do not multiply appropriately and fasten the healing process. So, try to massage the area surrounding the incision. Wait for a couple of weeks till the wounds heal. Once done, use your fingers to massage the area slowly while pressing the trigger points.
This releases tension from the muscle fibers and also improves blood flow. Therefore, the cells receive enough nutrition and oxygen to carry on with cellular division and reduce the scarring.
4. Opting for silicone treatments
Another feasible way to reduce the scars post-breast augmentation is to use silicon treatments. Several products that contain silicone are the best to fasten the recovery process.
Silicone acts as an incredible hydrating agent, as it traps the moisture and prevents the scarred area from getting dry. It also forms a protective layer over the scar and prevents bacterial growth.
So, check out the silicone products that are compatible with your breasts so that you can easily get rid of the scars and the nasty marks they leave.
5. Drinking water in plenty
It is good to keep your hydration levels high because dryness or lack of water in your blood can reduce the healing process and make the marks permanent. So, make sure to include water in your regular diet.
Drink water in accordance with your body weight and height. Besides, try including green vegetables, juicy fruits, green tea, and several other food items in your diet as much as possible. Due to a high amount of water and essential nutrients, they can work effectively in healing the scars.
This will in turn help in speeding up the recovery process after the surgery. You can also include proteins in your diet because it facilitates cell regeneration.
6. Avoiding hot showers
The wound takes approximately three to five weeks to heal. During this process, you should avoid coming in contact with hot water, especially in the area of the wound underneath or alongside the breast.
The heat can worsen the situation and cause infection, thus delaying recovery. So, it is better to avoid warm or hot showers. Also, do not use hot compression as it can cause wound infection.
While taking a bath, cover the area with a cloth to avoid water contact. Do not take a swim or soak yourself in the bathtub, as you cannot protect the wound from water or soap solution. Adopting these small but important steps can prove immensely helpful in helping you reduce your breast surgery scars.
7. Caring for the wound
Make sure to follow the instructions of your plastic surgeon to ensure prompt and satisfying healing after the surgery. For example, doctors usually suggest changing the bandage for two to three days.
Do not miss any appointments, as an unchanged bandage can cause infection. Also, if the wound is bleeding suddenly, call the surgeon or pay a visit to check if the bleeding is from inside the wound or extra muscular bleeding.
You must stop exercising during the first couple of weeks. Any strenuous physical activity can cause a rupture in the stitches or the newly regenerated tissues. Therefore, your wound can heal faster without leaving any prominent scar.
8. Avoid exposure to sunlight
Avoiding direct exposure to sun is vital as the contained UV light can make the skin around your scar look darker and may cause sunburn at times. But, in case sunlight is unavoidable, you can try a sun cream to reduce its effect on your breast scars.
9. Using natural oil mix
Another outstanding way to heal the scars faster and achieve flawless skin is to apply a mix of natural oils. For instance, you can combine almond oil with coconut oil and honey and apply the same to the wound.
It reduces hyperpigmentation and makes the scars less prominent. You can also use peppermint oil, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and so on to reduce scarring and eliminate the chances of marks.
10. Other treatments
Besides these easy tips, you can always opt for several treatments specifically meant for scar reduction. Prominent of these include steroids, silicone gel sheeting, LED light therapy and more. One important condition to choose any of these treatments is the complete healing of your breast scars after the breast augmentation procedure. Usually, you should undergo any of these methods only after your surgeon performs a 6-week checkup post surgery. After the examination of the breasts and the scars, your surgeon can suggest you the right treatment to reduce the scar tissues.
Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery amongst women. They opt for this process to lift their breasts, restore their original shape, and gain an attractive appearance. However, as the surgery can leave marks, people must know the best ways to remove the scars and make the skin look flawless.
However, if your surgeon is experienced enough, the chances of having a scar can reduce appreciably right during the surgery itself. Much depends on the precision and accuracy with which he performs the surgery. Equally important are the facilities available to perform the breast augmentation surgery.
Nevertheless, if the possibility of scar tissues becomes unavoidable, there is always a solution to reduce their impression with time. Abiding by some helpful suggestions can yield positive results in this regard and help in minimizing the visibility of scars appreciably. To know more on reducing breast scars or to find a board certified surgeon for breast augmentation surgery, you can always browse through our website. We will be glad to help you out.
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