Tummy Tuck Surgeons


Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a common form of plastic surgery, which requires the surgeon to remove excess skin and fat from the body. The main goal is to flatten the abdomen hence leading to a smoother and firmer abdominal shape.

Tummy tuck is one of the best procedures for people suffering from obesity and working hard at the gym to reduce fats and getting in shape. If gym, healthy diet plan, and even workout fail to work for you, then getting help from the best tummy tuck surgeon in India is always the next resort.

As per surgeons tummy tuck is a widely performed plastic surgery among both the men and women. India houses some of the best tummy tuck surgeons, highly renowned for their positive response and reasonable cost of surgeries they perform. Therefore, even foreigners don’t mind taking time out to visit India just to undergo tummy tuck operation within a cost-effective range.


Checking out the types of surgeries performed:

Before you proceed further with any of the renowned tummy tuck surgeons working in India, you need to find one. Searching the world of the internet will let you come across so many of them. Selecting anyone among the lot can be a pretty tough call. However, there are ways in which you can find one among the lot. Check out the types of surgeries that your selected tummy tuck surgeon can perform. This way, you will not only learn about the available options but also if your selected surgeon is the right match for you or not.

Reputed surgeons can perform standard or full tummy tuck surgery for those individuals who are looking to flatten the abdomen. This form of surgery will use two major incisions. One will be around the belly button, and another one is just below the navel. So, you can reposition after removing excess skin in the upper abdomen region. Once the surgery is done, most patients will recover within two weeks or less and can resume normal activities.

  • Offering full tummy tuck surgery:

A mini tummy tuck is another suitable option for a smaller number of patients looking for minimal improvements. This process helps to remove fat using liposuction. The surgeon over here will remove supra-pubic skin redundancy. He will further aspirate the abdominal fat and medial part of the abdomen for a final result. In the end, the skin will remain saturated, and the umbilicus will be preserved.

  • Mini Tummy Tuck:

This extended tummy tuck will provide you with a round incision for freeing the naval and reposition the tummy tuck to a higher scale once that excessive skin got removed. This process will improve the entire abdomen along with the waistline.

  • An extended form of a tummy tuck:

Factors to consider before selecting the best tummy tuck surgeon in India:

Apart from the types of surgeries the tummy tuck surgeon can work with; there are some other factors you should consider before selecting the best one among the lot. You have to consider the following factors as mentioned below for a better choice.

  • You have to look for a tummy tuck surgeon with extensive training and growing knowledge in abdominoplasty. Never look for someone who has very less information or practice in tummy tuck operation. Getting help from an experienced surgeon will help you be at peace of mind and with proficient results in the end.
  • Don’t forget to take your time and research the credentials of the surgeon on the internet. Know what your tummy tuck surgeon has in store for you. Furthermore, do check out if his previous patients have good things to say about his service. Are they satisfied with the results or facing some problems? Get the credentials checked first before moving towards the next step.
  • You have to consider the experience, qualification, and training of the surgeon before moving towards the next step. Apart from years of experience, his level of qualification will determine if he is your right candidate or not.
  • Apart from that, you have to check the number of the process performed by your selected surgeon. If he has covered more than hundreds within his career and with positive reviews on all, you can ask him to treat you as well.
  • Don’t forget to research and find more about his patients’ stories before taking the final decision of asking this particular tummy tuck surgeon for his help.

Are you the right candidate for the surgery?

Now, you must be wondering if you are the right candidate to go for tummy tuck surgery. There are some points, which will help in determining the right candidate for this procedure. Ask reputed surgeons to help you with those points as well.

  • If you have one persistent baby bump or lower abdominal pooch after pregnancy, you must get tummy tuck surgery.
  • It is also important to have this abdominoplasty if you have weak and separated abdominal muscle, which can be a result of excessive weight loss or pregnancy.
  • If you have saggy or loose skin in the abdomen region or have thin inelastic skin with various stretch marks, then it is better to call up an experienced surgeon for a tummy tuck operation.
  • Some patients are unable to lose weight with diet and exercise from the side and front of the abdomen. For them, this procedure is mandatory.
  • If you are maintaining a stable weight, you can head for tummy tuck surgery. Furthermore, you need to be physically fit to get qualified for this as well.

Make sure to have realistic expectations from tummy tuck surgery. And you need to be mentally prepared for the surgery and recovery as well. It is going to be one drastic change when you first see yourself after the surgery. So, staying prepared for the changes beforehand will help you as well. Just choose the best surgeon to cover the surgery well and on time.